Seeking Fellow Ra'ananaites


New member
Seeking Fellow Ra'ananaites

Good day to all. My name is Yosef Malone. My stepson and I are making Aliyah in September 2006 to Ra'anana. We are very concerned that it is so difficult to get information from the Aliyah Services or Nefesh B'Nefesh. They all tell us that we have so much time yet to be concerned for anything. Both our applications have been approved. We would like to find anyone in Ra'Anana specifically so that we could develope a friendship. People that we could ask questions of and get specific answers with regard to Ra'anana. We are not prejudiced, nor do we want people to think that we are, it is just that I would like replies from people that have or are there and doing that. My Hebrew is very basic so please try to answer in English. Thanks to all who reply L;hitraot, kol tuv Yosef Malone