should we do it?


New member
International School

If you are considering doing this, you might have your kids go to an international school, where all classes are taught in English. In fact, they also have international universities in Israel. They even have an international medical school, in joint association with Columbia University. So, the school wouldn't be a problem. Though, the totally different society and way of life might be. You guys should definitely visit Israel before you move and let the kids see how life in Israel is. Good Luck!


New member
should we do it?

we have been living inthe u.s.forthe last 17 years, we have two boys ages 15 and 11 and are thinking that it is time to go back home.i am especially nervous about our boys adjustment to school and the bagrut tests since my oldest will be entering 11th grade next year.any info and suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated.i think that hte boys school/friends issue will make or break our decition. help please!!!!!


New member
been there

thank you for the input, do you know where the international schools are located or what are they called? as i stated in my first message,my husband and i are israelis, we try to visit israel with the boys almost every summer and all our family lives there so my kids definitely know what life in israel is like- that, i'm not worried about, its just the education part since they are in excelent schools right now, schools for the gifted with programs and staff especially trained to work with this kids,not sure i'll find anything like it in israel.


New member

wow, thats a really difficult position you are in. I think it depends on how your children feel about moving. It would be really traumatic for your oldest child to be forced to leave in the middle of high school only to return two years later for college (that is if he is planning on going to school in the U.S) On the other hand, if your children are up for moving and your oldest may be considering going to college in Israel, then it may be best to move soon so there can be some adjustment time before that happens. I would find out exactly how they feel- and then you can try and talk to them about why it would be good to go. If they go with an open mind, then the transition will be alot easier. Good luck with whatever you decide!


New member
the big picture

our oldest has said that he doesn't want to move until he finishes high school here, then he's willing to move and even join the army right away and the youngest just doesn't want to move , he is nervous about leaving his frends and the language barrier, however, what they don't know at this point is that we are going to have to move anyway because of work, we just aren't sure weather it is in their best interest to make the big move to Israel or the smallest move to another place in the US.i'm trying to look at the bigger picture of our lives past school age, i like the idea of living in a smaller country where we can still see each other on a regular basis, also the idea of my boys possibly getting married to non jews worries me.i got in touch with the deparment of education in israel and from what i undestand the programs for helping kids in our situation are minimal, i also spoke to a friend of ine who is a teacher in Israel and she recomended to wait until my oldest finishes high school. i'd like to hear from people who went through something similar and how the experience went for them.also, any info on the american school in kfar shmariau? thank you for ANY advice !!!