starting to surf-a bunch of quests


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starting to surf-a bunch of quests

Hi everybody.. Im currently in NYC and flying to San Diego, CA soon to take some surfing lessons, its time to go for the old dreams... Just have a couple of questions, I'd love to get answers from you: Do you have any idea if its not too cold to surf in November in CA? How much time is needed to learn the basics - that i will be able to surf by myself since then.. a few days? a week? how much lessons would u recommend that I take? Any tips? Thanks

Ben Dor

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שמישהו יעזור לו אנלא יודעת אנגלית

חחחח הבנתי בערך מה הוא אמר אבל לא ממש...=\


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hi =}

the first question, i have no idae if the water is cold there (and i olso don't know this place...sorry It will take you few month to be very good but, jast to stand on the bord, with lessones of course, i belive few weeks. tips: -if you love thus sport, buy a bord, take few lessones and practist a lot!!! im sorry i have just one tip, but you can ask me qustions hope i help you, guy


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אני מתייאש רק מלנסות

לכתוב את ההודעה באנגלית.... חחחח


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thank you! i think ill take 5 lessons and practice board surfing as you said...btw you dont know san diego? its the most popular surfing site in california! thank for everyone who wanted to help me out:) i dont have hebrew here..


New member

do you understand hebrow? i know san diago but you worte CA and i didn't understood if you have more questions; just ask us and we would try to help you buy the way' what's the time there now?


New member

Right now it's 8.00 in the morning. I see...CA=California as you probably know now.. I appreciate your motivation to help u sound like cool people.. (surfers or not?) After I wrote guy 65 I reazlized it's 56 I was just tired I started the thread at 1.47 at night and didnt sleep the whole night.. byw I'm a girl not a guy, and I speak Hebrew Im just traveling in the US for a few moths.. and finally you express yourrself very well in English )


New member
well since your a girl I"ll help

I have surfed alot of times in california but not even once in sun diego, but it is the same ocean, (I have surfed only in malibo and marina dell rey in LA). the water in very cold , in the summer it is as cold as in israel at winter. If you"ll get a good wetsuite then there sould'nt be any problam with that. the only thing you sould worry about is the hight of the waves as they are very big and very strong, you cannot even compare it to israel. so in this case I recoomad you sould start only with a big fun board, and about 5- 10 lessons, remmember the waves there are big so get ready to drink and breath alot of water. have great time!!!!!!!!!!!


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so typical

as soon as someone figures out the person who's talking is a girl, the answer just start flooding in :) Anyways, I haven't surfed anywhere outside Israel, but from surf videos and surf magazines I kinda figured the water there are pretty cold. Wetsuit is a must. What do you mean by "traveling"? You're from Israel? The reason I'm asking is that if you are coming back here, you might wanna consider buying yourself a nice board, with a boardbag that is suited for traveling, and bring it back here. Although it's a bad idea to buy a brand new board when you're only a beginer, it's something I'd advise you to think about...

in november its 17C°/63F° wetsuit needed. if u care, its not the best season to surf there, which means its not that high (but it shouldn'y bother u if youre just learnin). the best tip u can get is just practice, with comitment and all theres no reason for you to not be able to surf. just get a board and jump in the water, thats what we all did. plannin on comin back to israel? consider brigin a board wit you. have fun :) oh and btw if in any chance u get to meet joana from roxy team...tell her guy from ghana says hi :D


New member

sounds like fun (that the waves are big) i hope its not gonna be too cold. by traveling i mean the ill be back in israel in a couple of moths, i miss israel so much :( bye the way ive been to california and i loved our beaches more so ill keep u update, ill get there at the end of Oct, and sure Ill try to practice alot as you recommended..