Stolen or lost ID

Stolen or lost ID

If your Teudat Zehut was stolen or lost, does one have to renew one immediately? does it matter if one doesn't bother to renew it for like 6 months or more or is that considered breaking the law?


New member
Stolen or lost ID

Hello, It is highly recommended to report a missing or stolen ID to the police, and to issue a new one as soon as possible. According to the Israeli law concerning Possession and display of ID, an Israeli citizen (16 years of age or older) must carry an ID at all times and present it to those authorized to demand it: a law enforcement officer, soldier, representative of a local municipality etc. If you fail to present your ID upon demand, you will be given 5 days to attain it and present it to a representative of the authority which demanded it or you will be fined. Sincerely, Rinat