...super bock - the story goes on


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...super bock - the story goes on

super bock what a stupid name for a beer... i was wondering now that ive drunk so many of those does it makes me a complete bock? i wonder what beers they have in spain. hopefully beers with better names and maybe better taste too. so i am still doing fine. going to catch my 16 hour train to san sebastian in a few minutes. hopefully i wont miss it because of this email... ok so i hope you are doing fine. see you soon, yaron ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Porto First Night - July 26th Wow. its really amazing how Radiohead are getting better with each show in this tour. or maybe its just me that gets crazier. i donno. The venue is porto seems to be a bit smaller and nicer than the one in Lisbon. This time I decided to stand on the left side on the 1st row. Four Tet was Four Tet.... not more than that. The crowd were again pretty good but I think not as good as in Lisbon. Thom was quite quiet and didnt joke and talked too much. but on the other hand we got the best setlist so far... and just when I thought that this time Radiohead arent going to surpise me this still managed to do it... this time they debuted in limbo for the first time in this tour. I didnt think it was so good though.. not one of my favorites. and they also played Lift in the part of the new songs. i wonder if that means that they are considering recording it for the new album. i really hope so. but the big suprise for me was that they played 3 encores with so many the bends songs (even though the setlist only listed 2 encores). they played both mil and just and both fpt and street spirit , when they usually only played one of them. they were all really good. so i was happy. this was definitely the best show in this tour until now. oh, and they didnt play karma police , which was also quite a big surprise.. oh and i also got to meet the god of internet websites Adriaan. which was quite nice. and believe it or not he is quite a nice fellow... mmm , thats all now. now to the 27th. £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Porto July 27 2nd night. Can radiohead get better than this show in the current tour? i doubt it , but i have already made some mistakes... So, yes , this was the greatest show in their tour until now. and , yes , they played creep. and , no, thats not the reason i think it was their best show. its just the athmosphere and the crowd, and the band at their best form. i didnt feel like quening for the show. so i got in late and just took the same position more or less as last night. i had a great view of all the band except for phil. now the show started with some new songs again. and thom threw the lyric of the songs to the crowd. i didnt see him doing it in the other shows but i might be wrong... the band and thom was in a good mood even though thom didnt talk too much. the setlist was somewhat worse than last night show with no the bends songs (if i am not wrong). I was happy to hear lucky again. hopefully they dont drop it until the end of the tour. they also didnt play my favrorite (so far..) new song which is something with the moon (sail to the moon or something like that). but on the other hand we got 3 encores again. After the band came out to 2nd encode thom was playing a few seconds in the piano from "ole ole ole". and the crowd got mad. during karma police thom started singing "blah blah blah" which was quite funny , like he sang it so many times and doesnt feel like singing it again... no suprises was also pretty good. but of course there was a 3rd encore too. and when the band got back thom was laughing and said this is going to be a master- shock. and then they started playing creep and the crowd got completely mad. i like creep but i guess i would prefer a rare bside or something. but i was a minority in the crowd... mmm , thats it. looking forward to san sebastian. yaron​


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Hello So I am in San Sebastian. its really is a lovely beautiful city. but why does the weather really sucks? it was raining yesterday for the whole day and night. and was cloudly 2 days ago. today it seems to get better but still its a bit too cold. i really wanted to check out those lovely beaches. they look so good. but its just too cold. so i am just going checking all the bars in the area... got my 4th hangover in a row today. that has to be a record for me. but i am having a lot of fun. not sure yet what i am doing in the weekend before i am in salamanca. i wanted to stay in san sebastain if they weather is better... and the train to san sebastain was really a nightmare. like 13 hours or so. there were 6 beds in a cabin and you could hardly breath in there. oh well , the ride was much better after like 3 beers.... too bad i spilled some beer on my bed so i had to sleep on a wet bed. so i will see you soon. hope you are having fun whereever you are yaron​


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ועוד אחד...

Last night show in San Sebastian was yet another great show in the never ending list of Radiohead shows. The venue was really great. its really small (my guess about 2000 seats maybe a bit less) near the ocean. there are some big windows inside it so you can have a great view of the beach and the sea. i arrived there at about 18 and met the people who bought tickets for me. quoue up for about half an hour and got my tickets. they were way in the back and up in the tribune. row 34 out of 40. but i didnt care too much because i have my tickets from waste for the next 2 shows. from were i sat the view was great. i could see the band perfectly. but what REALLY amazed me was how great the sound was. its my 14th Radiohead show and the sound was definitely the best one i´ve heard heard. it was just like listening to a live recoring at home. Thom voice sounds great as well as the other band. the crowd was also quite quiet even in the more quiet songs like exit music which is kind of rare. so it was definitely a rare oportuinity to really enjoy those songs. and for the first time in this tour i really started to appreciate some of the songs. Idiotheque was the best song for me. It sounded so good I cant really explain it. Climbing Up the walls sounded great too. I heard some rumours that Thom was really pissed because of the fans are everywhere in the city and he could just go quietly without being bothered. but i couldnt notice it on the show. Thom was somewhat quiet before the 1st encode and didnt even introcuded most of the songs. i liked the part in the begining where thom said we´re going to play some new songs and then some old songs and then go to a pizza.. But it seemed to me the crowd wasnt really into the show , at least the crowd in the area where i seated. no one really stood up until the very end. and they were also quite quiet. i heard that the crowd in the front was better. i guess i will check it out today and tomorrow. another thing was that i was kind of disappointed that they havent played anything that they havent played in tour before. i was hopeing for MPS or True Love Waits. They have quite a lot of songs to choose for , but i guess they dont have to if they dont want to. I was happy to hear ¨Like a Spinning Plate¨ again. it was really great and went out without any noticable mistakes this time. I also felt like they could play a few more songs of The Bends. My Iron Lung is ok , but I also want some more if possible. Just , FPT and SS were all played during this tour and they all sounded great. There was also no Karma Police but I didnt care about it too much. So that it. in the end I am happy I went to this show. Definitely a different experience than Porto & Lisbon. Too bad I couldnt stand and dance and ¨Feel¨ the show. but its a nice chance. I am looking forward to the other shows. only 5 more to go...... Yaron​

Major Thom

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