Taking my car to Israel


New member
Taking my car to Israel

I want to taken my car to Israël, but I have my doubts! Maybe it is better to sell it in Holland ( where I live right now ) and by a new one in Israël. It is a car which is 5 years old, ( MB C220CDI automatic ) I don't even know wether it is allowed to take a five year old car to Israël. How are the import duties and VAT on cars in Israël? Does any one has experience about this subject?


New member
You can't do it

I don't remember if the age limit is 2 or 3 years but 5 is too old for sure. Contact the Israeli Customs service to get the details. Anybody I know that checked it out decided it is not worth it.


New member
tax free cars

dont bring your old car in here. you can buy a new one without any taxes b/c of your status as oleh chadhash. cheers