Taking Teudat Zehut out the country

Taking Teudat Zehut out the country

I heard that itis forbidden to take your ID out the bounderies of Israel. Is this true? I still do it because i have often needed it at the airport on the day of travel and then there is no where for me to leave it am i doing the right thing? or is this wrong?....


New member
Taking Teudat Zehut out the country

Hello, Unfortunately I did not find an answer to your question. According to the Israeli law concerning Possession and display of ID, an Israeli citizen (16 years of age or older) must carry an ID at all times and present it to those authorized to demand it: a law enforcement officer, soldier, representative of a local municipality etc. If you fail to present your ID upon demand, you will be given 5 days to attain it and present it to a representative of the authority which demanded it or you will be fined. For further information please contact The ministry of interior , telephone number 1-222-3450 or 3450* Sincerely, Rinat