paca batalanto
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Targilus ex terra targilorum
התרגמתי נכונה משפטים אלו מלשון אנגלי"א ללשון רומי?
התרגמתי נכונה משפטים אלו מלשון אנגלי"א ללשון רומי?
1. He praises her, him, it, them. Is eam laudat. Is eum laudat. Is id laudat. Is eas laudat. Is eos laudat. Is ea laudat. 2. This cart, that report, these teachers, those women, that abode, these abodes. Is carrus, id consilium, ei (ii) magistri, eae feminae, id domicillium, ea domicillia. 3. That strong garrison, among those weak and sick women, that want of firmness, those frequent plans. Id validum preasidium, apud eis (iis) infirmis aegris feminis, ea inopia constantia, ea crebra consilia. 4. The other woman is calling her chickens (her own). Altera femina gallinas suas vocat. 5. Another woman is calling her chickens (not her own). Alia femina eius gallinas vocat. 6. The gaul praises his arms (his own). Gallus arma sua laudat. 7. The Gaul praises his arms (not his own). Gallus eius arma laudat. 8. This farmer often plows their fields. Is agricola eorum agros saepe arat. 9. Those wretched slaves long for their master (their own). Ei (ii) miseri servi dominum suum desiderant. 10. Those wretched slaves long for their master (not their own). Ei (ii) miseri servi eorum dominum desiderant. 11. Free men love their own fatherland. Liberi viri suam patriam amant. 12. They love its villages and towns. Ei (ii) / eae / ea eius vicos et oppida amant.
ואם את המשפט תואילו הזה לתרגם, אודה מאוד לכם אני:Apud eos viri pugnant et feminae auxilio liberorum agros arant parantque cibum.