Thanks to site volunteers, 'posters

Dave Bender

New member
Thanks to site volunteers, 'posters

To all, I'd like to take a moment in our Yom Kippur preparations here in Israel and the Jewish world to thank the scores of volunteers who have generously responded to a recent request to assist potential and new Olim on this forum board. I so look forward to working and getting better acquainted with all of you as we move into the New Year. To all you 'posters out there: Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions, ideas for improvement, dreams and hopes about living here in Israel and how this site can help you achieve them. Please spread the word about what's happening here on this site in your communities, as well. G'mar Chatima Tova, an easy fast and may we and the entire House of Israel merit a Shana Tova replete with the blessings of health, success, Aliyah and most of all, Shalom. Please click on the link below to hear an interview (Windows Media Player format) with Josie Arbel, the AACI's head of immigrant absorption about the signficance of North American Aliyah. This audio report, by the way, is the first in a regularly updated series. Dave Bender, site coordinator
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