The enemy


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The enemy

The enemy is within. any effort, any system, any method - implies you are using illusions. if you try to change or react to: your thoughts, your behavior, your breathing, you memory, your physical sensations- sense perceptions- than you are trying to change reflections of an unknwon problem. and that problem - is the root of all outer conflict, all emotional frustration, all rational inner contradictions. lets look closely at this. if you believe that appearances, illusions, or i prefer to call theme Reflections - are real, then you are lost. But, if you know they are illusions. and you don't ignore anything or try to change it - you look at it and know that it is relative - reflections are symptoms, not causes. than you proceed with curiocity - what the hell is this thing, that is inside me, that is causing the problems, pain, suffering, confclit. the more you look directly at the problem - the more infromation is thrown at you - some of it may look important, but it is not important. if you will try to accumulate that knowledge, like psychoanalysts : you assume you have a static ego. you assume that the problem is not *alive* moving, dynamic. all you will ever *try* to do, *try* to undersand, wherever you will go - it will be there, and it will affect your behavior, you experiencing. so there is nothing more important then to solve this problem - and no method, no effort can solve it, other than attention - this curiosiy, this feeling of the problem - direct contact - without knowing or assuming you know what it is. מישהו יודע על מה אני מדבר?


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הוא קיבל יותר ממך בפסיכומטרי. Lynnearia your thoughts are hot make them materialize and I'll shag them gladfully!


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קרישנומרטי יודע.

הוא טוב בדברים האלה. למרות שאני לא אוהב את הגישה שאומרת ש-כל- הבעיות נובעות מבפנים ולא מבחוץ. כי זה נשמע קצת כמו כלי שאנשים שרוצים לשלוט באחרים משתמשים בו, בכדי שהנשלטים ירגישו שהם אשמים במצב, וחס וחלילה לא יתמרדו.