Dafi the Mighty
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The God You Know
במקור הפרק היה אמור להיות שונה לגמרי מהגירסא שצולמה! קטעים מהתסריט המקורי (בחסות anomalys מהפורום של השיפרים- לינק מצורף למעונינים): טוב, דבר ראשון פשוט שורות שונות מהקטע של ה-bad touching של ארס ודייטי.
(Aphrodite runs her hands along Ares´ muscular body) APHRODITE: I don´t know what this one´s game is, but I´ve got a few of my own I´d like to teach him. (Xena watches as Ares takes a moment of enjoyment, before shying away from his sister´s lustful touch.) ARES: There´s romantic love, there´s platonic love, and then there´s forbidden love. Know what I´m sayin´? APHRODITE: Not really. נראה לי שאני מעדיפה בקטע הזה את מה שצולם. אהבתי את ה-bad touching! הסצנה הבאה שונה *לגמרי* ממה שצולם- בסצנה שזינה שמה את הפינץ´ על מייקל.
(Xena yanks Michael up, he´s gasping for breath. To make matters worse, she puts her arm around his throat.) XENA: There´s got to be a way to keep Aphrodite alive. (off Michael´s silence) Fine. You wanna play it that way? (giving him the pinch) Now. I´ll ask you again. Is there any way for me to keep Aphrodite alive after I kill Caligula? MICHAEL: His death will have no effect on her if you give her back full godhood before you kil him. XENA: I thought Aphrodite could only get her godhood back by taking it from him. MICHAEL: You can give her immortality by giving up your ability to slay immortals. GABRIELLE: Ares.... XENA: Does that mean I can restore Ares´ godhood? MICHAEL: You can use the transfer of power only once, and only on one who was formerly a god. You must choose, Xena, because afterward, your power to kill gods will be gone forever. (Xena releases the pinch. Michael disappears). XENA: Ares can´t know I have the ability to restore his immortality until I´ve finished with Caligula. GABRIELLE: And then what? XENA: I think one of the reasons Aphrodite went mad and became vunerable to such corruption was because Ares wasn´t there to balance her out. Just like day would have no meaning without night, and good can´t exist without evil, love needs war. In a strange way, they complement each other. GABRIELLE: So, you´d actually consider giving him back his godhood? XENA: Well, you know what they say, "The god you know is better than the god you don´t." At least with Ares, you knew where you stood and what to expect. GABRIELLE: Xena...you heard what Michael said. Once you´ve given Ares his power, yours will be lost forever. XENA: If things work out the way I want them to, he may not want it back.
וזה כבר איפושהו בסוף... (Xena races in and stops at the tragic sight of Ares holding his dead sister in his arms, Gabrielle beside him.) ARES: Look at her, Xena. Look at her! She was once so beautiful, so full of fun and life. You did this. She was one of the only things I cared about in this world, and you destroyed her. XENA: Ares, you once gave something up to save the people I loved. Now I´ve found a way I can give it back. ARES: My immortality? XENA: If I give up the ability to slay gods, and transfer that power to you, you´ll be immortal again. ARES: You would do that? XENA: (looking at Aphrodite) Yes. But I can think of another way to use that transfer of power. GABRIELLE: Xena, you´re right! If Ares could bring me and Eve back by giving up his immortality, it makes sense that you´d be able to do something similar to revive Aphrodite! ARES: Do it.
XENA: You have to be sure, Ares. Because if it works, my power to return you to godhood will be gone. GABRIELLE: And so will your ability to protect your daughter from the gods, Xena. XENA: I think we´ve both learned that just because you can´t kill something doesn´t mean you can´t defeat it, Gabrielle. Ares? ARES: She´s all the family I have left, Xena. (Xena closes her eyes and lays her hands on Aphrodite. Suddenly Xena´s body tenses, and a golden glow radiates out from her and down to Aphrodite. Aphrodite´s glow intensifies as Xena´s fades. After a tense moment....Aphrodite´s eyelids flutter.) (Aphrodite finally opens her eyes. All 3 stare down at her. She reacts, completely confused by the weird tension.) APHRODITE: Who died? (The 3 of them start laughing. Ares hugs Aphrodite in close to him) ARES: Good to have you back, sis ו... עוד יותר בסוף...
Gabrielle helps steady Aphrodite, who trips and wobbles ackwardly in the sand. Aphrodite yells back to Xena and Ares, who follow behind.) APHRODITE: This whole walking mortal thing really sucks, y´know that?! APHRODITE: I can´t believe this is what you resurrected me for. It is so unsexy. ARES: Deep down, she really is grateful. (Ares and Xena watch as Aphrodite kicks the sand in frustration, then nearly falls again.) ARES: Okay, really really deep down. And so am I. Thank you, Xena. XENA: Thank yourself. It was your selflessness that made this happen, Ares. I´m proud of you. ARES: Well, don´t get carried away. Believe me, our little slice of immortality´s out there somewhere. And even if I have to walk all the way to Tartarus, I´m gonna find it. XENA: I have no doubt that you will. ודעתי האישית היא- כמה חבל!
במקור הפרק היה אמור להיות שונה לגמרי מהגירסא שצולמה! קטעים מהתסריט המקורי (בחסות anomalys מהפורום של השיפרים- לינק מצורף למעונינים): טוב, דבר ראשון פשוט שורות שונות מהקטע של ה-bad touching של ארס ודייטי.