the ? is ...where


New member
the ? is ...where

Like some men, I'm tempted to turn my back on city life and become a woodsman and find a shack miles from the nearest road and keep a small garden, collect wood, live in harmony with nature. No pin numbers, no E mail, no security check points, no crazed businessmen walking through airport terminals talking loudly to themselves. Just me and the trees and the snow and a shelf of books…Like some men, I'm tempted to turn my back on city life and become a woodsman and find a shack miles from the nearest road and keep a small garden, collect wood, live in harmony with nature. No pin numbers, no E mail, no security check points, no crazed businessmen walking through airport terminals talking loudly to themselves. Just me and the trees and the snow and a shelf of books…the ? is ...where?


New member
תתחיל מפה....



New member
This is a regular temptation

and I resist it, because I would miss the herd. The crowd piling into a theater before a show we've all heard is good, the genial humor often found at the end of a long queue, the mutual affection of the congregation emerging from Sunday-morning service. Scripture tells us that we are like sheep, and as usual God is right on the mark. We grazing animals bumble around as coyotes or cougars never would do. They are targeted to go straight for the kill, like the guys on AM talk radio who go after Bill and Hillary for three hours a day Monday through Friday and rip them to pieces. They have been at this for 12 years. Loners in radio studios talking to loners in cars.​
Garrison Keillor