The Legend of Cena
The Legend of Cena: Warrior Shopper Part I - A New Hope In a land of legend, a land of myth, a land of Saks. In times of warlords, kings and Gucci. Only she stood against them She was: With her lovely French wannabe sidekick, Celine Fion, they fought for justice (and shoes) everywhere they went (even Fifth Av.)! In their mighty and shopful journey they challenged their worst enemy Sarah The Soaps Slayer. Everywhere Cena and Celine went Paris, London, New York, and the big and hip clothes exhibitions, they met the awful Sarah. Cena and Celine had to fight for all the good designers’ clothes. Almost always the good won (what’s new?) and Cena with Celine went back home (to the castle) with a new cool and hip wardrobe. When they arrived home they found out that their closet broken and empty. The worst thing was that all their clothes were missing. They looked in the security videotapes and found out that Sarah stole all their clothes. Then Cena said: “Damn that British Airways their too slow, Sarah always flies Swissair they are too fast for the British”. Then Cena and Celine went on to another journy to get their clothes back! By Amit Avner