Thinking of Aliyah


New member
Thinking of Aliyah

Hello,my name is peter from boston ma usa - my wife lena,is a recent emigre from FSU to the USA... Here is my dilema- I am older 53 and I have been self employed in the garment industry for over 25yrs with a manuf. repping company, which is currently going belly up along with the financial whirlpool this puts u in financially.My company is dissolving and my feeling is I will need to literally start again.My feeling is life is an adventure and that if we need to start again financially and in every other way- why not give something back in life this time and why not in Israel.Ok- enough of my maybe ill thought out idealism.The reality is after owning and now going bankrupt in my business here in the states...and needless to say a rather frustrating employment search for sales executive and management positions...what are.. or can someone tell me about the prospects for someone older such as myself for continuing in either the garment or textile field and a realistic view of obtaining employment in isreal either before or after emigrating. My wife however is a different story- she is alot younger than me - and is in the process of converting to Judaism( reconstructionist) and was 6 mos away from obtaining her teaching degree in St.Petersburg, my thinking is she would be more than able hopefully to obtain grants or scholarships to finnish her degree in teaching upon completion of ulpan and some fluency in hebrew.Needless to say I'm a typical jew from a reform background from new york with little hebrew skills ( very basic )...You're feedback would be greatly appreciated.... THANKS !