Thyroid ultrasound ../images/Emo53.gif
here are the results of Thyroid ultrasound The isthmus measures 3 mm. The right and left lobes of the thyroid measure 4.7x1.7x1.5 cm and 4.0x1.5x1.1 cm respectively. A nodule with a hypoechoic rim is seen in the mid pole of the right lobe measuring 1.9x1.3x1.1 cm. In the left lobe , three focal lesions are seen. There is a mid pole hypoechoic nodule measuring 5x4x4 mm. A thick walled cyst is also seen in the mid pole more medially measuring 4x4x4 mm. In the lower pole, there is a hypoechoic nodule measuring 7x7x3 mm. There is a supra-clavicular palpable focus on the right. On ultrasound interrogation, there is a nodule measuring 1.0x0.6x0.3 cm. this most likely represents a non- enlarged lymph node. the question is what next need to do following these results. thanks
here are the results of Thyroid ultrasound The isthmus measures 3 mm. The right and left lobes of the thyroid measure 4.7x1.7x1.5 cm and 4.0x1.5x1.1 cm respectively. A nodule with a hypoechoic rim is seen in the mid pole of the right lobe measuring 1.9x1.3x1.1 cm. In the left lobe , three focal lesions are seen. There is a mid pole hypoechoic nodule measuring 5x4x4 mm. A thick walled cyst is also seen in the mid pole more medially measuring 4x4x4 mm. In the lower pole, there is a hypoechoic nodule measuring 7x7x3 mm. There is a supra-clavicular palpable focus on the right. On ultrasound interrogation, there is a nodule measuring 1.0x0.6x0.3 cm. this most likely represents a non- enlarged lymph node. the question is what next need to do following these results. thanks