time out of Israel


New member

I think as a katin chozer you are allowed to come and go freely. For the first year after making aliyah you can travel on your foreign passport but you need a letter of permission from the gov.


New member
time out of Israel

Hello, My aliyah has been approved and lots of arrangments going on to get to Israel. I am currently living in Alaska (for the last 30 years). Once I get to Israel are there time restraints on how long I can leave for?? Re: summers in Alaska are GREAT!! Can I be out of Israel for more that 1 month at a time?? Is there a max. amount of time I can be out of the country. Someone told me they though for the first 3 years My vacation time away from Israel was limited. Thanks in Advance Flash


New member

Hello. It is my understandind that within the first year you have to get a special letter from a government office that allows you to leave the country, this is to prevent people from getting the money the gov. gives olim and running. Also, when you leave your benefits keep going but you don't get them because you are out of the country. Also the benefits do not freeze while you are away. I think the Jewish Agency would be able to answers your questions in a more exact way but I hope I helpped a little. Good luck.