to hellspawn

mr. man

New member
to hellspawn

I`ll write in english to make you happy :) Here is the intelligent post you wanted: I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we love pokemon not because all the little kids love it because of the cute pikachu, or because of the songs, or because of the publicity it gets. I would still watch it if it had 0.00001% rating, because I like the idea of the show. I like the creatures, and how they are used for fighting, I think what I would do if I was in that position. I watch it because I want to find out what will happen to ash and his friends in the future, what will happen to team rocket, what pokemon each will have. There are also lots of surprises, to everyone who says it`s predictable (pikachu, thundershock!) For me, it`s like reading a good sci-fi or fantasia book. You explore a new world, always wanting to know what will happen next. I guess that`s all. Everyone else can add anything they want to this topic. לכל אלה שלא יודעים אנגלית, תקראו לאח הגדול שיתרגם לכן :)


New member
i praise thee

ok , first , to tal dragonite and viper , ur msgs were stupid , useless , pointless , the same as all the others so far in this forum to mr. man , bravo , that was exactly what i was seeking , someone that instead of stupid pointless insults would bring valid reasons.... u definatley stang out in this crowd, to the rest of those who responded to my previous msgs u should really take an example from this guy well , ur arguments were very nice , and i really have nothing to say to them , i`ll be taking my leave now , and i`ll stop spamming up ur forum ..... all o` ya`ll say a big thank u to mr. man for this tata , farewell , i bid u adou , so long , lehit , adios muchachos


New member
הערה קטנה...

לכן??? לא להסתבך איתי פליז... אבל חוץ מזה- צודק 101 אחוז! אני הייתי רואה פוקימון גם אם אני הייתי היחידה שרואה את זה בגלל (טוב אתם יודעים...) ג`יימס!!!!! וג`סי!!!!! ומיאו!!!!! טל


New member
אפילו לא קצת!!!

וזה מאד פשוט- אין מה לאהוב בהם!!! טל

mr. man

New member

התכוונתי לכתוב ``לכם``... ``ן`` נמצא קרוב ל``ם`` אז התבלבלתי. אבל לכם, לכן, מה זה משנה?