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Check your knowledge of British culture: What is the difference between a City and a Town? What is “dieu et mon droit”? How many pennies were in a Guinea (before decimalisation)? When was Elizabeth I of Scotland born? Who was Albert of Coburg? What happened to his family name? How many birthdays does The Queen have? Where is “Battle” and why is it called so? What does “POSH” mean? What are the three crosses that make the Union Jack? What is the correct pronunciation of Worcester? Warwick? Lieutenant? The Mall? Berkshire? Who owns all the swans? What is Henley-on-Thames famous for? “China” is slang for what? What is a Scouser? Geordie? Jock? Limey? What is the “Gherkin”? Where does the series “The Office” take place? What is “Guy Fawkes day”? What happened in 1666? What is “Cream Tea”?​


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תשובות לחלק...

city-עיר town-עיירה.. posh-אם אנלא טועה זה שמנמן...? (ואני מניח שאני טועה..) the three crosses-england,scotland and ireland... england-the red regular one ireland-the diagonal ones scotland- diagonal and blue background ווילס לא מקבל ייצוג כי היא צורפה מאוחר יותר... the queen ownes all the swans i think... but im not really sure... i thinjk i heard it somwhere... jock-אתלט כזה... או... ביריון... אם אני לא טועה.. (שוב) limey-... שיט... כזה... limey... my.. sox are on fire... in an office? i think it was the big london fire that happened in 1666?


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Union Jack

The Union Jack is a combination of: 1. St. George's cross (red on white) - the English flag 2. St. Andrew's saltire (white on blue) - the Scottish flag 3. St. Patrick's saltire (red on white) - the Irish flag Wales is not represented because when the Union Jack was created it had already become a principality of the English crown rather than a kingdom in its own right (like Ireland or Scotland).​


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אבל המורה...../images/Emo8.gif

אם אני עונה זה לא פייר... אפילו אני לא יודעת את התשובות להכל אבל מנסה: - dieu et mon droit - המוטו של אנגליה והוא אומר GOD AND MY RIGHT - 105 פני בגינאה - למלכה יש 2 ימי הולדת - POSH קשה לתרגם לעברית...כינוי שבדרך כלל זוכים לו אלו שמדברים עם מבטא של הביביסי, בדרך כלל ממעמד גבוה ובעלי ממון. לא בהכרח מתאים לויקטוריה בקהאם
- WOCESTER מבטאים ווּסְטֵר WARWICK מבטאים ווֹריק LIEUTENANT מבטאים לֵפְטֵנֵנְט THE MALL מבטאים מַאל BERKSHIRE מבטאים בַארְקשֵייר - הברבורים הם קניין המלכה - SCOUSER - אדם מליברפול GEORDIE - כנ"ל רק מניוקאסל JOCK- כנ"ל מסקוטלנד LIMEY - כנ"ל ממוצא אנגלי - GHERKIN זה מלפפון חמוץ - THE OFFICE ב-SLOUGH - GUY FAWKES DAY = BONFIRE NIGHT על זכר שניסה לפוצץ את בנייני הפרלמנט ב-1605 - 1666 - השריפה הגדולה של לונדון שהתחילה במאפיה בפודינג ליין - CREAM TEA - TEA WITH SCONES, JAM AND CLOTTED CREAM


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nearly full marks

you are mostly correct, but: - A Guinea was worth 252 pence. One Guinea was worth 1.05 pounds and one pound had 20 shillings each having 12 pennies hence a guinea had 252 pennies (12*20*1.05). Guineas were used in auctions - the bidder paid in guineas, the vendor got paid in pounds and so the dealer retained a commission of 5%. - Posh comes from POSH which is an acronym for Port Out Starboard Home. This comes from the time when cruises to India were popular and POSH cabins were the best (and most expensive). Today posh means trendy or stylish. - The London Gehrkin - designed by Sir Norman Foster.​


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Remaining answers

Q: What is the difference between a City and a Town? A: A city in England is any town that has a cathedral. Therefore, Milton-Keynes, for example, is a town with over 200,000 inhabitants, whereas Wells with a mere population of 10000 is Englands smallest city because of it's beautiful cathedral. Q: When was Elizabeth I of Scotland born? A: The crowns of Scotland and England were unified after the death of childless Queen Elizabeth I (of England) under King James VI of Scotland who took the title King James I of England. Following the Act of the Union (1707) separate ordinals for Scotland and England were abandoned and as such the current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II of England and Scotland although there has never been a "Queen Elizabeth I of Scotland". Q: Who was Albert of Coburg? What happened to his family name? A: Prince Albert of Coburg (Germany) was the husband of Queen Victoria. When they married, Queen Victoria took Prince Albert's family name and so the British monarchs became the "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha". During the Great War, King George V decided to change the family name into something "more British" and chose "Windsor" after Windsor Castle. Q: Where is “Battle” and why is it called so? A: Battle is a small town named so after the 1066 Battle of Hastings in which the Normans headed by Duke William of Normandy defeated the Saxons headed by King Harold. That battle was the last time England has been successfully invaded. Q: What is Henley-on-Thames famous for? A: Henley-on-Thames is famous of the Royal Regatta (boat race), the most prestigious British boat race. Q: “China” is slang for what? A: China is Cockney for "mate" (china plate).​