Turning the Dream into Reality...


New member
Being Committed to our Money

As an update, my husband and I are going to start shooting for a December 2005 aliyah date, for exactly the reasons you discuss- the future is uncertain here and there, and at some point you just have to say if we're going to go- we go. This morning I had a thought that reinforced your idea- We already have so much commitment to our money- we own a condo, a car, have a gym membership, etc- and the longer we stay, the more commitments we will have and the harder it will be to break them. It's going to be so hard as is, I just can't imagine trying to do it with even more. I'm just not able to picture what our life would look like there- how often we'd buy new clothes, what we'd do for entertainment, what kind of Shabbat meals will we have and will we host people the way we currently do? these questions keep swarming me, and as much as I try to picture or recreate what our life will be like there, the more elusive that vision becomes.


New member
Being Committed

Shalom, My wife and I are in much the same state mind as you. We have difficulty envisioning the specifics of life in Israel post Aliyah. It is a huge leap of faith to do so, and in preparation we have greatly simplified our lives here, sold our home for a small nest egg of 10k, moved to an apartment etc. We are most concerned about a suitable Ulpan for an English speaking couple in their 50's, quiet and clean accommodations for the first few months and jobs after Ulpan. Our current plan is for Dec 05 with NBN G-d Willing. One of our children is going ahead of us, and the other is probably going to follow in the not too distant future. Yitzi


New member
Turning the Dream into Reality...

My husband and I have wanted to make aliyah our entire adult lives. We've been married 2 years, and we're emotionally/spiritually/etc ready to go now. The question for me, at least, is whether we're ready financially. I did a search on the forum to seek out other threads that deal with the financial aspects of aliyah, but I wasn't able to find the complete threads, often just the responses. I'm sure this is an issue that comes up with many many new olim, so I'm sorry if this thread duplicates previous threads. I'm weighing the risks and benefits of: A) going with what we have (a little less than 10K cash and a good potential for employment in Israel) and making do from that; and B) staying in the states for X amount of time to build up a bigger nest egg If we go with what we have, we may be stretched financially, though admittedly I have no idea HOW stretched we'd be, and welcome a 'wake up call' in that regard. If we decide to stay and build up, we run the very likely risk of getting comfortable with our lifestyle in the states- or worse, not sticking to the 'build up plan' and being in exactly the same position in X amount of time from now. I'm sorry if this thread is a bit self-indulgent in voicing these concerns, but I'm also hoping that I'm not the only one with them. If I'm way off base, being ridiculous, or if I sound like I'm making excuses- please please call me on it. But if I'm even close to target, any resources or advice/thoughts are very much wanted.