ULM in Italy - finally good news


New member
ULM in Italy - finally good news

hi folks. Contrary to what I wrote before, it IS possible for all of you to fly ULM in Italy, since so many of my friends expressed the wish to do so, I took the trouble and discussed the issue with the chairman of the Italian Ultalight Federation. So all you have to do is to get a sort of Letter of Validity, from the Israeli Chapter of the IAF, International Airclub Federation. I guess Appelbaum of Omni knows more and can help you next week upon his return from Sun-n`-fun. This is clealy expressed in Law nr. 106 art. 4, so it`s not just an oppinion - for insurance sake. The problem is to find a school -there are no commercial companies renting ULM`s, as far as I know - which can and has the willing to rent ultralights. Most schools have only 1 or 2 planes. I will update Millis and Zvi next week. Shabat Shalim, Zeev