University? How to apply?


New member

thanks for your response. Iam already in contact with my local shaliach. We are preparing my Aliyah and the Student Authority, was also a topic ;) But Iam a little bit confused, she said, that I have to apply on my own to the university.. I dont know if my hebrew level is enough, but we can see :) thanks for the answer shalom


New member
University? How to apply?

Hello, Iam preparing my Aliyah which will take place in summer 04. I want to apply to an israeli university, but i dont know how i should start. I think, that I wont need any preptory program like Mechina or Taka. How can I apply to one university, without having yet the german abitur? I can take the psychmetric exams in Israel, i will be there on february. So i dont know really what to do as first step.