

New member
Alice, i agree with you!

Jews needs a homeland to call their own. They have been the most discriminated tribe in the world but due to the Joke of G-d, who has given "hidden messages", Jews had been able to survive complete anihilation. And the holy land, "congratulatory presents" in a chinese dialect means what it means, land for Israelites - all 15 million who wish to have their own land! The Mullah and the Military Pasha Princes of Arab land has "good scapegoat" in Israel to transfer their "poor populace anger" to! If we look in our synogoque or even picture in our knesset; we'll see again the "hidden message" left behind by our "forefathers" - "There are many ways". Yes, you are right, the Arabs wants Israelites to be scapegoats for all their trouble, i doubt whether elite Arabs or elite Anglo Saxons want Jewry to dissapear - no more people to blame for all the world's troubles. But, if you look at it, Israelites are really the Jokers -smart rats actually or "snake" or "dog" - if those movies by Richard Gere on King David is right! so, we must find way to "blunt" the "Israel scapegoat" card. If we make the Palestinian territories, well fed, clothed, housed and comfortably entertained, the Palestinians in the 800,000 hectares of land in Gaza and West Bank cannot be used as a "tool" against Israel by both the Anglo Saxons or the Arab Pashas. Then their "disgruntled peasants" will turn on their pasha leaders. It is the same in Muslim part of Malaysia (but not so serious problem compare to Arabland!) They "brainwash" their citizen against the minorities by hookwinking them against the actual causes of their poverty! No support for anybody, just being constructive! Shalom!


New member
Alice! you are observant!

This is true! But if you can reflect on what i said with open hearts and clear minds, you'll find much truth in what I said. If you claim "All the ARabs" wants to eliminate Israelites, you are a sorry person. Can you say all Germans wants to eliminate Israelites? or all Anglo Saxon christians spit of Israelites. Most Germans or Arabs may not have met a single Israelites at all. Afterall, Israelites are always on the run, gathering in cities of power but always shunted away in some walled ghettoes etc. The only people who are creating a PUBLIC RELATION havoc HAVE purposes best known to themselves. The FROGS in our world. Yeah, you are rite, semi retired people and those political prisoners in jail have lots of time to have new angle on life! You do have a "clear mind", I like you Ms.Alice. Dont tell me Alice is also a Jewish name?


New member
We must look at ourselves first!

Most "World Domination" theology, whether Aryan Super races of the Nazi's have weaknesses. I feel Israelites must reform ourselves. Haven't we learn from the torture of 4,000 years that calling ourselves "chosen" and destined to "world domination" is getting very bad press among other tribes? Israel must reform. This come from a person without "proper Rabbi guidance". So eat it with a lot of salt! (this is an expression in Hong Kong! - meaning "looking at it wisely") Acceptance among Arabs must be "earned". Of course it is silly to "disregard" the threat of Armegeddon from the Arabs. Without the Palestinian issue, and nobody "crying about injustice"; the Arab hatred will fissle with some other issues! I feel Anglo Saxon nations might just be using "silly Jews" for their own purpose and again Jews become scapegoats and pay for it with their lifes! or suffer yet again another round of torture! Have a nice day!


New member
Some help!

Shalom! The address you need can be seen at the "Shaliach" addresses at this website. Your request:- Israel Aliyah Center 4200 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33137 Tel. No: (305) 573-2556/7637 Fax. No: (305) 573-1870 E-mail: [email protected] If you read the forum here, you'll find information like prices of handphones, stoves, car prices, apartment prices, unemployment level, salaries level. Glad to welcome you home but let's push our government to improve human rights with the Palestinians - in order we might have a "calmer" Israel! best regards!


New member
Here it is../images/Emo24.gif

Miami, FL Israel Aliyah Center 4200 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33137 Tel: (305) 573-2556 / 7631 Fax: (305) 573-1870 Email: [email protected] The Shaliach is very Professional and nice - i recommend a Meeting with him. Good Luck