US backs call for Global Treaty on Mercury

Chaya Lottner

New member
US backs call for Global Treaty on Mercury

For those who attended the lecture on Heavy Metal Toxicity on Monday night in Modiin, I would like to already announce a major development. This article just came out yesterday on how the US Government is now publicly declaring just how dangerous mercury is. Late on Monday, the US Government announced that they would now support an international ban on use of the heavy metal mercury, long known to be a neurotoxin. It has long been thought that mercury is a causative agent in Autism and related disorders If you are interested in finding out how to diagnose or treat mercury toxicity, you may attend one of my free informational lectures. The next ones will be on Monday this coming week in Beit Shemesh in English, one at eleven in the morning and another at 9:00 pm. The following week there will be one in Jerusalem. If anyone is interested in hosting in another location (English or Hebrew), please contact me so that we can arrange a time and date. If you cannot attend the lecture, but would like to go ahead and do the testing, call me to arrange for the testing kit. The following article can be found at the UK Reuters website: By Daniel Wallis NAIROBI (Reuters) - The United States has shifted its stance to call for a legally-binding global treaty to phase out deadly mercury use that threatens the health of people worldwide, officials said on Tuesday....... Chaya Lottner, MSc Consultant - Autism Spectrum Disorders (02) 991-8534 050-400-0601
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