Velasca on Charmed


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Velasca on Charmed

I totally forgot the name of the actress that played Velasca on Xena, but she was tonight on Charmed. She played a Siren, that´s out to destroyed the chrmed ones, becasue they interfere with her deadly seductions. I must say she (would anyone remind me her name?) was looking GOOD!! :)


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Melinda Clark

(thank you... you know who you are) when will it air? in Israel? I have no idea. you´re still one season behind so I´m guessing next year.


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Bruce Campbel on Charmed

this ep, however, is going to air soon in Israel. I know becaue I prepared it for air when I was still in Israel. it´s season 4 finale, and Bruce plays an FBI agent after the girls, if my memory serves me right. :)


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בארה"ב עכשיו הם בעונה החמישית

כך שיש עוד זמן, בארץ אנחנו באמצע הרביעית. מספר הפרק הוא 504 ושמו "Siren Song". ולשחקנית קוראים מלינדה קלרק.