Vorador 1
L Larik New member 28/5/03 #4 Soul Reaver I have to admit that i cheated while drawing this, but ut was for a good cause P.S If you would like to have that sword you will have to find yourself a blacksmith. If you find one please infom me about that
Soul Reaver I have to admit that i cheated while drawing this, but ut was for a good cause P.S If you would like to have that sword you will have to find yourself a blacksmith. If you find one please infom me about that
N Nihau New member 29/5/03 #6 יפה נורא ואפילו דייקת בחתיכות החסרות של השבבים בשוליים! כל הכבוד. אתה הולך לעשות גרסה בצבע?
N Nihau New member 29/5/03 #8 hehehe would you really want to? after all, he lost his head, you know but its a nice pic anyway. i like the green dude.
hehehe would you really want to? after all, he lost his head, you know but its a nice pic anyway. i like the green dude.
L Larik New member 30/5/03 #12 הפאלאפון שלי This is my new cell-phone, and already have i managed to carve and emphasise with a black marker the Razielim symbol on its back.
הפאלאפון שלי This is my new cell-phone, and already have i managed to carve and emphasise with a black marker the Razielim symbol on its back.