Vorador 1


New member
Soul Reaver

I have to admit that i cheated while drawing this, but ut was for a good cause P.S If you would like to have that sword you will have to find yourself a blacksmith. If you find one please infom me about that


New member
יפה נורא

ואפילו דייקת בחתיכות החסרות של השבבים בשוליים! כל הכבוד. אתה הולך לעשות גרסה בצבע?


New member

would you really want to? after all, he lost his head, you know but its a nice pic anyway. i like the green dude.


New member
הפאלאפון שלי

This is my new cell-phone, and already have i managed to carve and emphasise with a black marker the Razielim symbol on its back.