What happened to the boy, who spoke to stars

אלי כ ה ן

New member
What happened to the boy, who spoke to stars

Who exchanged sweet secrets, with groundsels and seagulls,

Who counted each freckle stealthily, and fell asleep on the sand,

What happened to him one day, when he quit and disappeared?

I would like to go back to my beautiful days,

The barefoot days of Binyamina, yes...

I remember how all flowed slowly, the sun did not hurry,

People said "Hello", a friend was a friend !!!

אלי כ ה ן

New member
I'm fed up with Tapuz but also with what you call: Our army

And with the Israelis as well,
Their mentality, their culture, their religion, their language, their dummy homeland,
I wanna forget all of this hell, go abroad, and stay there for ever.

אלי כ ה ן

New member
I suspect

I suspect one of us hasn't understood his colleague's message. I suspect that, because I couldn't understand the connection between my previous message and your last message.

As for my previous message (if that's you who didn't understand it): I just wanted it to express impolitely, some authentic feelings - I have already expressed more politely a few days ago.

u r i el

New member
corecct !

.Well, the only thing i can say right now is Shabat-Shalom 2 u & all others​