When to stretch before or after???,

David Rodriguez

New member
When to stretch before or after???,

The warm up and cool down (also stretching) are the most important elements in a class. I wrote about this before but after a few discussions I have seen, here it goes again…… First of all lets be sports specific…in this case we are riding a bike indoor cycling. First of all the WARM UP- Serious sports practitioners always warm up everyone knows the injury prevention aspect…..But these benefits go far beyond preventing injuries. A well-structured warm up will have physiological and psychological benefits always both together. Physiological benefits are: The mechanical efficiency of contracting muscles improves with an increase in muscle temperature. The concept or phenomenon called “Treppe” kicks in. Increased rate and strength of muscular contraction occurs Better coordination through activities related to the session-sports specificity*. Injury prevention as mentioned before. Endurance warm up brings the “second wind” more efficiently . The Psychological effects are also many here are a few: Even imagining a warm can bring your body to a certain state of readiness, mental preparation is important and in indoor cycling for the client those upper body stretches puts them in the right mode (concentration, disconnection of outer world) preparing them for the class and releasing tension . A warm up should be sport specific* using the exercise involving the movements connected to the specific sport. I.e. Spinning = riding the bike at low intensity=dynamic flexibility warm up. Stretching in Indoor cycling: Now we have all hopefully understood the ABC’s of warm up, we know or should know that it always comes after the work out . So you can understand why I will try to explain in short how this works: The two types of fiber are collagenous connective tissue and elastic connective tissue. Collagenous connective tissue consists mostly of collagen (hence its name) and provides tensile strength. Elastic connective tissue consists mostly of elastin and (as you might guess from its name) provides elasticity. The base substance is called mucopolysaccharide and acts as both a lubricant (allowing the fibers to easily slide over one another), and as a glue (holding the fibers of the tissue together into bundles) that’s on the physiological side…but what is stretching ? Just as there are different types of flexibility, there are also different types of stretching. Stretches are either dynamic (meaning they involve motion) or static (meaning they involve no motion ). Dynamic stretches affect dynamic flexibility and static stretches affect static flexibility (and dynamic flexibility to some degree ). The different types of stretching are in this case use seven if there are more well, personally I am reluctant to use them for now as they are imitations of these: ballistic stretching dynamic stretching active stretching passive (or relaxed) stretching Static stretching Isometric stretching PNF stretching Obviously in indoor cycling we are limited to dynamic as explained beforehand and static at the end of the class. …(What we call the cool down ). Don’t try others if you are not properly qualified and trained!!! The cool down should be around ten minutes you guys probably know the routine but the time should be around 15-20 seconds for each stretch (something I don’t see everyone doing) so as to have an effect at all ! In conclusion: Answer= warm up yes with light upper body stretches Stretching before = NO this can be counterproductive and even cause the injury we are trying to prevent! I know it’s impossible to cover every aspect but if you have questions or want a more detailed answer on why? How? How much? Please send me a message in Hebrew and I will answer ASAP. Take care, דיוויד רודריגז


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תודה רבה בשמי ובשם חברי הפורום על ההשקעה בהודעות שלך. אני סמוך ובטוח שנוכל ללמוד ולהפיק תועלת אישית מנסיונך העשיר כמדריך ורוכב אופניים. שים לב לציין את מקורות המידע שלך בסימוכין, על מנת לזכות את המחבר בקרדיט המגיע לו, ועל מנת שאף אחד לא יפיק תועלת מסחרית ולא במשפט. תודה.

אני בין היחידים שאני מכיר שעושה מתיחות לפני אימון ולא רק אחרי הרגל נושן מהעידן בו ידעתי רק לרוץ אני מקפיד על כמה כללים: 1.מתיחות לפני (כשאני מגיע בזמן) עדינות ולא אינטנסיביות כי השרירים קרים לחלוטין 2.דיווש מתון ברבע השעה הראשונה על מנת לאפשר לשרירים להתחמם לעולם לא קצב מהיר ממש ברבע שעה הזו 3.מתיחות טובות אחרי 4.כשעושה דאבל ובודאי טריפל 1 ו-3 ובעיקר 3 מקבלים משנה חשיבות יומטוב


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