Where Do Olim Live When They Arrive


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Where Do Olim Live When They Arrive

Hiya foljs, Im thinking of making Aliya! Ive been reading about the whole process etc. but one thing I cannot comprehend yet. Say an Oleh gets everything sorted and has arrived at Ben Gurion Airport. Where does that Oleh sleep for the night? Where will he be living in the coming months? Does accomodation have to be sorted out before an Oleh arrives in Israel? What if that Oleh doesn't wanna stay on an Ulpan? Where will he reside? Many thanks!


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Your questions are indeed basic I suggest that you read the Oleh guide (I enclose a link) and that will answer many of your questions. For general knowledge, usually, if you do not participate in a jafi program that includes staying in an absorption center, Olim rent an apartment. The ministry of absorption helps by giving you financial support that is called "Sal Klita". You can read more about is in the guide or at our site http://www.jewishagency.org/JewishAgency/English/Aliyah or on www.moia.gov.il Ulpan is not a place to stay, you study there for 5 hours a day for 5 months or so, and go home. Some Ulpanim include accommodations but some are like regular classes during morning hours or evening.