

New member

I am planning on doing aliyah in oct 06. I know the work sisuation is difficult there right now. i am a registered clinical counsellor (MA) and wondering how to start looking. I know Oct is still a long time away but having some options before i go would make it much easier for me to decide.


New member
Work in Israel

Welcome! I hope your Aliyah will be easy and you will become a native Israeli in no time. As for work in your profession, I would send the resume to Hospitals, to the Human resources department. You could write in English, and make sure to emphasize the fact that your English is perfect (it is considered an advantage). Click on the following site for Hospital list in Israel (Sorry, but the list is Hebrew): For English, click English on the upper left corner and then search for “Hospitals”. Another good work haunting site is the following: “Working in Israel” site by the “United Jewish Israel Appeal”, the UJIA provides a good background on working here: The “Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI)” site: If you need more specific information, please do not hesitate to contact me using a personal message. I have several friends that are Hospital Doctors, and I could show them you resume - who knows? There might be a click… Good luck, Teddy, SafeHaven


New member

Hi The thing with immigrating that there are many factors that you cannot overcome in advance. Take finding work for example. Let's say that you find an employer that likes your abilities. Can he be sure that you will make Aliyah when you say you will? And what if after you come to Israel you won't like the city that the company is located? You won't like the people in it? You won't like the job itself although on paper it was great? So he waited for you, you have waited for him and it doesn't work. The reason I am writing this is not to discourage you but the opposite – do try to network from abroad as diligently as you can but take notice that immigration is a tough process and many things change once you have made your move. So, come to Israel, learn Hebrew for 5 months, and start networking immediately – meet new people – and through them you can look for a job. Also, you can find someone who made Aliyah and correspond with him/ her - that you can do if you call the AACI ( and also there is a group on the Jafi Internet site that you can join by writing to this mail: [email protected] Good Luck