Yet another "can I bring my car?"


New member
Yet another "can I bring my car?"

Good evening all, Time for me to delurk. Your forum is wonderful. ^_^ That said, I'll now pollute it with a question I know is often asked. ^_^; I have read cautionary stories online about why you shouldn't import your car, but my husband and I are still gathering information and deciding what to do. We are attached to our Hyundai wagon. It's slightly over five years old. Since it has about 120K miles on it and is showing its age, we were thinking of gutting it and retrofitting it as a gas-electric hybrid. My first question: I have heard that Israel does not allow imports of cars over five years old, but I have also heard that first-time olim are allowed to import (not without tax, I know) one car of any age. Can anybody advise which is correct? :) Second, I have read that if the car's exact configuration does not exist in Israel, we'll have to wait a long time for parts to be imported, and get an affidavit from a repair shop that they will maintain the car. Supposing this particular flavour of Elantra was sold in Israel, does anybody know what the ramifications might be if we seriously altered the car (converted it to a hybrid?) I know these are not straightforward questions. ^_^; Thank you for your help!


New member

First - read this on the AACI web site for general information: Now - you can import your 5 year old car but note this - you will have to keep it for additional 5 years in Israel before you can sell it and buy a new one. By that time the car will lose a lot of its value. And also, the configuration of the car must be recognized by the Israeli ministry of transportation - sometimes it is enough that the tail light is not and the whole car is "bad". Also - it will always cost you more than you think - the customs calculate the price of the car in weird and strange ways and there are usually tears when you hear the final cost. It is not advisable to bring your own used car - it is not worth the trouble - it's only tin and rubber... Here is a fax number you can send a fax and ask directly: 972-4-8628469