האתר חזר http://www.taichi-chuan.com
S Sensei New member 22/12/04 #112 I will drink to that but if it does happen,I will have to look for another forum to turn into a Charadi Forum..UNTILL THE WHOLE WORLD BECOMES CHARADI..and then I will have to look for another planet to start all over again..Life is never boring for a Charadi.
I will drink to that but if it does happen,I will have to look for another forum to turn into a Charadi Forum..UNTILL THE WHOLE WORLD BECOMES CHARADI..and then I will have to look for another planet to start all over again..Life is never boring for a Charadi.
S Sensei New member 24/12/04 #148 I dont understand what you were trying to say.Can you explain your remarks in other words or in English. Thank you
I dont understand what you were trying to say.Can you explain your remarks in other words or in English. Thank you
E erezinna New member 23/12/04 #145 charadi i am sorry for my ignorance, or maybe i have missed an earlier answer in the forum, but what is "charadi"? warrior? thanks, erez.
charadi i am sorry for my ignorance, or maybe i have missed an earlier answer in the forum, but what is "charadi"? warrior? thanks, erez.
S Sensei New member 24/12/04 #149 Yes, a Charadi is a warrior.He is involved in a spiritual war.The war grounds are in his own self being and within the boundaries of his community.
Yes, a Charadi is a warrior.He is involved in a spiritual war.The war grounds are in his own self being and within the boundaries of his community.
N noam the ninja New member 22/12/04 #136 אם כבר מדברים על אומנויות לחימה בתנ"ך, המורה שלי אמר שיש איזה קשר בין החשמונאים לנינג'יטסו. מישהו יכול להרחיב?
אם כבר מדברים על אומנויות לחימה בתנ"ך, המורה שלי אמר שיש איזה קשר בין החשמונאים לנינג'יטסו. מישהו יכול להרחיב?
נ נח גרוס New member 24/12/04 #151 חשמונינג'ה / נועם אם המורה שלך אמר, כנראה שהוא יודע משהו בנושא, מדוע לא תישאל אותו ישירות ואולי תקבל את מבוקשך? נח גרוס.
חשמונינג'ה / נועם אם המורה שלך אמר, כנראה שהוא יודע משהו בנושא, מדוע לא תישאל אותו ישירות ואולי תקבל את מבוקשך? נח גרוס.