בלעדי לפורום מאטריקס! (עד שיגנבו!)

  • פותח הנושא IC4
  • פורסם בתאריך

כותרת: אָה... תוכן: וקודם התכוונתי ל-"אֶה..." הם לא יכלו לכתוב את הניקוד קצת יותר גדול?! יש אנשים עם


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once i know who i am

what im looking for it would be much much much easier to find it תסתכל עליה תראה פשוט תביט לתוכה איך תדע מה אתה מעונין למצוא בה? אתה פשוט תדע אבל עד אז!@ אין לך שום שום זכות להתבכין. ___ רדסטורם תקשר אליי מחר אגב כל אחד אחר גם מוזמן 04-8725434
../images/Emo104.gif הפתרון הלא ברור

הוא דו-צדדי? למרות שהבטחתי שאני לא מחפשת... אין לדעת מתי הידע יועיל...

shikma r

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איזה פורום...איך לעזאזל הגעתם לשאלה

למה אין לו חברה???? נראה לי שצריך לקרא לפורום הזה "שטויות בכיף" או משהו כזה... ואם כבר מדבריםעל זה... באמת איך זה שאין לך חברה כשאתה כזה מבדר...?

shikma r

New member
טוב,אנשים אני רוצה לראות את הסרט

אוייב המדינה בערוץ 2 למרות שכבר ראיתי אותו.... אז נפגש כשהסרט ייגמר! תהיו פה!


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רוצה לשמוע משהו מצחיק כהמשך?

מישהי החליטה לשאול אותי אם אני מעונין באסטרולוגיה וראשי הפתוח ענה לה שאני עשוי להיות ונתתי לה שעה שאני חושב שנולתי בה (8:04) והנה מה שהיא החזירה לי: kat_bjelland (11:30 PM) : You have a rich imagination, which you need to express in some way. Even if your artistic ability is not fully developed, you should take lessons in some art form or learn to write, so that you can release this creative drive. It doesn´t matter whether or not your work is "good." It only matters that you express your imagination in some concrete form. kat_bjelland (11:30 PM) : You are very emotionally sensitive to other people´s feelings, and unfortunately you make their feelings your own. So it is important for you to be with people who are thinking positive and healthy thoughts; :) איזה מותק חח transparent Opacity (11:32 PM) : HOLY FUCKKKK מה לעזאזל מי שרשם את זה אני רואה ממש מכיר אותי You have very strong feelings and get very emotionally involved with everyone who you consider a friend. Your relationships aren´t usually casual, because you want each one to be important and meaningful for your whole life. This tendency will become clearer as you get older. One of the good effects of this energy is that when you become someone´s friend, that person can count on you forever. You are very loyal and concerned about your friends, and you want to make sure that they always get the best in life. In fact, you are so positive about this that you will even put a great deal of pressure on a friend who seems to be taking the wrong course in some matter. It is not that you like to push people around, it is simply that you can´t stand to see anyone go wrong whom you are emotionally involved with. When you begin to have relationships with the opposite sex, this aspect will make them unusually intense. If you cannot be deeply involved with a lover, you do not want to be involved at all. In all relationships, both with friends and loved ones, you want to be so totally committed that your emotional concern will enrich and enliven your life. A life without love and concern for people would depress you very much. You have an unusually great need to give love and support to others and to get it as well [ואם אני הומו?] Your mind is unusually deep for someone of your age, and you are not very interested in the matters that other young people think about. Already you are interested in ideas about the universe, in finding out where you have come from, the purpose of life, and why people act as they do. For this reason you will seem older than you are, although in other ways you are quite happy being young. [דווקא אני נראה מבחינה חוצנית בהרבה יותר קטן-נמוך ורזה מאד] You enjoy studying people and learning why they act as they do. When you are older, you will put this study to good use. You will be particularly good at convincing people to come around to your opinion, which is very useful in teaching. Your interest in human nature can also help you in studying psychology and psychiatry. When you are older, you may join a group that tries to reform society by reorganizing some parts of it.


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המשך ה"תגלית"..(מה גילינו על אייסי)

kat_bjelland (11:35 PM) : הו זה מעניין וקראתי רק שורה אחת.. אני חושבת שזה דיי פרטי.. You may learn to think clearly on your own, but there is a danger that relationships with others will confuse you and upset your thinking. It is sometimes difficult for you to see the truth about people who are close to you, and you may be unpleasantly surprised when someone turns out to be quite different from what you had thought. You are something of a dreamer, and instead of taking people as they are, you may try to work them into your dreams. You must learn to accept others as they really are, for if you idealize them, you will always be disappointed. And no one is more cynical about the world than a disappointed idealist. Also when you are disappointed, you may withdraw into yourself, which won´t help, because you need to find out the truth. You also must learn how to be truthful. Usually you don´t mean to lie, but your confusion about reality may make you follow a rather fanciful version of the truth. If you do not know the difference between the truth and your dreams, you end up confusing everyone around you, which is the same as lying. Dreams are not so useful in math and science, which require rigorous logic, but in other areas that require intuition and imaginative insight you can shine. When you are older, it may be difficult to have easy relationships with the opposite sex, another reflection of your inner tensions. You attract persons of the opposite sex who symbolize the side of your personality that you are less aware of. As a result the people you attract may seem to not accept you as you are. The real problem is your lack of self- acceptance, however. And this is the lesson you will face throughout life - to accept yourself. The only thing wrong with you is that you think there is something wrong. This is a positive aspect, indicating that you are a very loving and warm person. You should have little difficulty in getting along with people, because being on good terms with others is very important to you. Just make sure that in seeking love and approval, you don´t give up an important part of yourself. Above all, be honest and don´t try to use flattery and charm to make people like you. Even now your friends won´t respect you if they think you do everything just to get people, especially adults, to like you. The only challenge of this aspect is that you must learn to set your own standards and follow your own goals, and not simply be and do what others want. You have a strong creative drive, and if anything else in your chart indicates artistic talent, this aspect will reinforce it. You should try out various kinds of crafts and artistic studies to find out whether you have such ability. If you do, you will get great satisfaction from it. וואו אתה ממש בן אדם יצירתי:) קול:> Often with this aspect, you feel that the world will take care of you even if you make no effort. In fact you may have to work as hard as others, but you will have to work. It is not good for your character to be lazy and dependent on others. Probably you will always attract people who will take care of you, but if you depend on this, you will lose the respect of others as well as your own self-respect. kat_bjelland (11:42 PM) : If you believe in something or someone, you will do anything for them, because your own needs are not as important to you as other people and ideals. In fact you seem to need less in life than most people. You can take a very detached attitude about a situation and simply make the most of whatever happens, especially as you get older. While you are young, this detachment may not be so obvious. Later on in your life, you may be involved in a spiritual discipline that emphasizes denial of physical possessions and comfort. For you, this would be a way of getting past the barriers of the physical world to a happier and more spiritual place kat_bjelland (11:43 PM) : You are very strong willed and rather aggressive. You may or may not try to start fights, but you will certainly never run away from one. This has both a good and a bad side. On one hand you are tougher than most and harder to defeat in any kind of contest. You are very competitive and do not give up easily. You enjoy pitting yourself against others in contests, both friendly and unfriendly. You do not give in easily, and you will live up to your standards at all times, regardless of obstacles. Once you have decided that you are right, you are not afraid to go it alone if necessary, and you will dig in your heels against pressure from others to change. The bad side of this is obvious. Your reluctance to compromise may result from pigheadedness rather than from a sure sense of what and who you are. You may express your competitiveness by provoking fights where no real disagreement exists, and you may also attract others who want to fight even when you don´t feel like it. But the greatest problem is that once you have committed yourself to something and made it part of yourself, you will not give up on it, no matter how wrong you are. It becomes too personal, and a defeat on some matter becomes a defeat of yourself as a person. You must learn to detach yourself somewhat from the things you believe in. Physical activity, especially athletics, should provide a good outlet for your abundant physical energy. If you keep this energy bottled up, you will get angry very easily and provoke a violent showdown between yourself and others

כמה מידע! וזה ממה, משעת לידה?! מה, יש להם רשימה של "מי שנולד בשמונה ושתי דקות יהיה כזה" ו"מי שנולד בתשע וחצי יהיה כזה"?! שטויות במיץ מלפפונים!


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ועוד משהו...

לא נראה לך קצת דפוק להגיד שזה שטויות במיץ מלפפונים אם אני בעצמי נדהם לראות עד כמה קטעים מסוימים בזה נכונים? (לא קראתי הכל עדיין) כאילו איך אתה יכול להגיד לי מה נכון לגבי?!?! jesus...
לא התכוונתי שזה לא נכון

התכוונתי שלא נראה לי שאפשר לקבל כ"כ הרבה מידע משעת לידה, גם אם מצורפים תאריך ומקום.
../images/Emo104.gif עד כמה שזה קורץ מאוד

אני לא אקרא כבר את הקטע האישי... צריך להשאיר אותך באיזה אור מיסתורין!!


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טוב, אתה תאלץ לסלוח לי,

אבל אני ממש לא מתכוון לקרוא את כל זה, לא מתוך חוסר כבוד לך, אלא מתוך חוסר אמונה בנושא ועומס מילים בניתוח הזה, קיצר, ארוך לי...מה?! סוטים.