דיון פילוסופי חביב
למי שיש כוח להתעסק עם האנגלית שלי ומעוניין לעסוק בכמה סוגיות שקשורות למב"כ - הרי דיון שהתחלתי בפורום משחק תפקידים שאני משתתף בו בנוגע לתפקידי פיקוד בצי הכוכבים. קריאה מהנה A small issue on my mind. Everyone remember for sure the the episode from DS9 from the end of the 3rd season when the crew was chasing a shape-shifter on the Defiant who sabotaged it. Also, if you remember, it was when Sisko was promoted to Captain, and later he and Edington were having a short conversation at the mess hall. Edington mentioned, that the most desirable post in starfleet is the Captain's chair, and you don't become a captain of a Starship by wearing gold (i.e engineering, security. Ops is appeared to be some kind of specialization in the engineering field, but not its own corps). Sisko then replied that he could always ask transfer to Command. From that, it appears to be that there is also a special corps in Starfleet that specialize in command, and its members take key positions on board a starship, while other commission officers can also advance in their field, but will probably won't command a starship (set difference startship from a medical ship or a some kind of engineering ships for towing other vessels or constructions and maintenance of large facilities at deep space). From here I raise two major questions: 1. What will be the course of development for a junior officer in the Command field? What will be the keys he will attend to? Will he major in administration (Like Battalion's Adjutant in the British Army?) do the red wearing uniforms (i.e pilots, strategic operations officers) belong to that corps? 2. In the Operations department I have created on the Relly, I referred to the position of 'shift supervisor' (the person during the shift that mans regularly the ops office and in charge to monitor the on going activities on board - i.e power levels, maintenance, keeping on track of crew rosters, reports from other departments, the different logs, seeing for the other daily routines activities - much like a ops-center officer). Because this is a small ship and it's a small department, they are not commissioned officers, rather Warrant officers and NCO's (3 at total - one for each shift). Will they be considered as Command officers or rather Ops officers? Can we say the Ops officer is a mixed from all different departments, leaded by an engineering officer who specialized in the field of administration or some other sub-field? 3. If we know that the Chief Conn officer (the Head Helmsman) on board is also operating as some kind of CAG (leader of the support craft wing) and actually in charge of the other pilots on board (their Commanding Officer) - can we say that his position belong to the Command Corps? Can we see evidence for other positions on board that are consider Command position (set difference from professional personnel leading their own department - engineering, science and ect'). 4. We know Janeway is specialized in Quantum Science, Picard in Archaeologically and Kirk in women. Can we say that during their service at the junior ranks officer are specialized in their own field and later transfer to command upon finishing Command School? All of those are valid questions. If you are bored enough and wish to use a little bit of your imagination - feel free to do so.
למי שיש כוח להתעסק עם האנגלית שלי ומעוניין לעסוק בכמה סוגיות שקשורות למב"כ - הרי דיון שהתחלתי בפורום משחק תפקידים שאני משתתף בו בנוגע לתפקידי פיקוד בצי הכוכבים. קריאה מהנה A small issue on my mind. Everyone remember for sure the the episode from DS9 from the end of the 3rd season when the crew was chasing a shape-shifter on the Defiant who sabotaged it. Also, if you remember, it was when Sisko was promoted to Captain, and later he and Edington were having a short conversation at the mess hall. Edington mentioned, that the most desirable post in starfleet is the Captain's chair, and you don't become a captain of a Starship by wearing gold (i.e engineering, security. Ops is appeared to be some kind of specialization in the engineering field, but not its own corps). Sisko then replied that he could always ask transfer to Command. From that, it appears to be that there is also a special corps in Starfleet that specialize in command, and its members take key positions on board a starship, while other commission officers can also advance in their field, but will probably won't command a starship (set difference startship from a medical ship or a some kind of engineering ships for towing other vessels or constructions and maintenance of large facilities at deep space). From here I raise two major questions: 1. What will be the course of development for a junior officer in the Command field? What will be the keys he will attend to? Will he major in administration (Like Battalion's Adjutant in the British Army?) do the red wearing uniforms (i.e pilots, strategic operations officers) belong to that corps? 2. In the Operations department I have created on the Relly, I referred to the position of 'shift supervisor' (the person during the shift that mans regularly the ops office and in charge to monitor the on going activities on board - i.e power levels, maintenance, keeping on track of crew rosters, reports from other departments, the different logs, seeing for the other daily routines activities - much like a ops-center officer). Because this is a small ship and it's a small department, they are not commissioned officers, rather Warrant officers and NCO's (3 at total - one for each shift). Will they be considered as Command officers or rather Ops officers? Can we say the Ops officer is a mixed from all different departments, leaded by an engineering officer who specialized in the field of administration or some other sub-field? 3. If we know that the Chief Conn officer (the Head Helmsman) on board is also operating as some kind of CAG (leader of the support craft wing) and actually in charge of the other pilots on board (their Commanding Officer) - can we say that his position belong to the Command Corps? Can we see evidence for other positions on board that are consider Command position (set difference from professional personnel leading their own department - engineering, science and ect'). 4. We know Janeway is specialized in Quantum Science, Picard in Archaeologically and Kirk in women. Can we say that during their service at the junior ranks officer are specialized in their own field and later transfer to command upon finishing Command School? All of those are valid questions. If you are bored enough and wish to use a little bit of your imagination - feel free to do so.