*החיוך שיש לי על הפרצוף

Benjamin Turner

New member
but that's house-ism, ולא במובן

(אלא על משקל ageism) והגיעה היום פתקית של דואר רשום! yay! זה כמעט מפצה על הוירוס במחשב והתמונה-בשחור-לבן בנגן הDVD החדש שלי (או הטלויזיה, זה עדיין לא נקבע בוודאות).

Hieros Gamos

New member

יופי, לפחות אנחנו יודעים שזה לא הלך לאיבוד בדואר או משהו
והחלמה מהירה למחשב, והDVD...או הטלוויזיה
האוס ירפא אותם *huggles imaginary House*

Hieros Gamos

New member
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אם מישהו רצה קרוסאובר עם XF, זה הכי קרוב שנגיע
The patient is a 7 year old boy(Clancy) - who apparently is being abducted by aliens, complete with a chip in his neck, bright lights, levitating off his bed...the works. Chase is the main doc we see dealing with him, so there is a fair amount of Chase in this ep. House has very little interaction with the kid, other than in the OR where House is exploring his brain with a probe. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what is happening with House on a personal level, but I suspect alot based on what I know from the 3rd episode. I hate to be so vague, but I simply can't say more about this episode right now. Let's just say the title is fitting (as it usually is).

Hieros Gamos

New member
../images/Emo58.gif 3X01 זה כל הפרק אז על

אחריותכם...ואממ זה די תורם לי לויכוח אגב
Well first, I'm going to go off memory here. So first things first - House can walk now. He had 8 weeks of therapy and he has no pain. The ketamine seems to be doing it's job. The episode opens up on him running around a park, looking pretty hot I might add, lol. It goes into his first day back to work. He's in pretty good spirits. He runs the 8 miles to work on his first day back. Wilson and Cuddy are trying to find him the most interesting case and when he runs in all sweaty, they are a little shocked that he ran in. Cuddy is a little skeptical about how well the ketamine is working and House asks if she wants him to say thank you once again for removing the bullet and also giving him his leg back? Which he does in a nice sarcastic way. House is feeling ambitious and takes on two cases. One female that Cuddy had chosen - a 26 (I think) year old female (who Cuddy says is cute) who was doing yoga, fell, and snapped her neck leaving her paralyzed. However there was actually no sign of spinal damage. The 2nd case is Wilson's pick, which is a man who had a tumor of the brain 8 years ago, had it removed, and is now brain damaged and in a wheel chair. At a summer get together he drives himself in his wheel chair into a pool. I'm not going to be able to go into all the medical stuff because I don't remember that off the top of my head. I can go back tonight and fill in the missing links. I do know that House is enjoying being able to walk and run and what not. At one point he is talking to Cameron in the hallway about a case and I believe they are disagreeing (what's new?) about something and he says something along the lines of how now there is one thing he can do that he couldn't before. She asks what. He looks over her shoulder like he sees something, she turns to look, he does a fake out, and literally runs away. We next see him coming to a sliding hault inside the female patients room saying "What happened?" It's really pretty funny. Later, House asks Cameron to go out for a drink. And to eat if she eats. She asks if he is being serious. He is. She starts to turn him down saying that she shouldn't, he's her boss etc. etc. House is smiling. Cameron doesn't understand why he is smiling when she is turning him down. He says that it's because she is full of crap. That she only wanted to date him before because he was like an injured puppy who needed to be nursed back to health. And now that he is healthy she is no longer interested. Cameron looks at him, smiles, and says 'You are not healthy." Then she walks away. And I'm literally drawing a blank here. I know that House is still having difficulty dealing with not being on medication. At one point he is outside the university with Wilson on a skateboard. He's doing jumps off of the bench. He lands one and sticks it to which is says "I stuck that premo! How rad am I?" He skates off, and then we see him feeling his leg. Some pain has returned. Later on he goes to Wilson and tells him that the pain returned. Wilson asked how bad, and House says bad enough that he is telling him. He asks Wilson to give him a prescription for Vicodin. Wilson denies him, saying the ketamine worked and he doesn't need pills, I think saying he just misses the high. For the medical stuff, House has been going off of hunches instead of reason like he normally does. He had asked Cuddy for approval of something for the guy with the tumor, but she says no saying that they can't just go off of a hunch. That night House is out running again. He is really hot and sweaty and trying to get a drink from a water fountain to cool off but isn't getting anything. He sees the big water fountain in the middle of the university and jumps in to cool off. This apparently gives him the answer to the tumor patient guy. So House runs to Cuddy's house in the middle of the night and knocks on her window. He tells her what he thinks and what they need to do, and Cuddy says he is high. He says she knows he hasn't been on anything for 3 months. She still tells him they can't preform a procedure on a guy just because House had some vision while standing in the middle of the university water fountain. The next day they release the patient. As they are about to enter the elevator Cuddy decides to take a gamble. She injects the patient with cortisol (which is what House had suggested). Not 2 minutes later the man is trying to stand and is hugging his family. House was right. Cuddy is talking to Wilson and says she has to go tell House. Wilson stops her and says she can't, but she says she has to - he was right. Wilson asks her why she decided to do what House said. Her response is because it's House. Wilson asks what medical reason did she have? Cuddy says none. Wilson says that House got lucky. That if they tell him he was right, he'll try it again sometime and he'll just end up killing a patient. Cuddy says she can't just ignore it. She sees House every day. Wilson says "everybody lies." They walk out together. The final scene is House sitting in his office. You Can't Always Get What You Want is playing in the background. He goes into Wilson's office, goes through his desk and finds his prescription tablet, and writes himself a prescription for vicodin. Cue credits.

Benjamin Turner

New member
ביקשתי שימחקו את התגובה שלי ולכן

אני מגיבה להודעת הנושא:
מה זה "אומרים"? זה שוילסון שוב חושב שלא באמת כואב לו? וילסון מלכתחילה הרי חושב שהאוס מכור. נצטרך לראות את הפרק כדי לקבוע, אולם אני סבורה שהאוס נראה מאושר באופן כל כך אמיתי וכן, ושלחלוטין ברור שהוא מוכן להמשיך כך לנצח, עד שאין כמעט סיכוי שהכאב אינו אמיתי. לעזאזל, קיוויתי לעדנה של לפחות שני פרקים... וקטע ההאמרון... חסר להם שלא יהיה יותר מזה-אני שולחת petrol bomb לדיוויד שור אם סצינה אחת היא כל הענין ב(ציטוט לגמרי לא מדויק)"כעת האוס ירצה לבחון את יחסה של קמרון אליו" (ומה קמרון מקשקשת? היא הרי התחילה אתו!)

Hieros Gamos

New member
../images/Emo58.gif אני אנשק את דייויד שור אם

זה כל מה שיקרה אבל לא נראה לי שזה הסוף של האמרון..לרוע המזל. וכן, אני די בטוחה שגם אם הוא רוצה את הויקודין למטרות אחרות עדיין כואב לו באמת. גם אומרים הרי בפריוויו שהוא מתנהג מוזר וזה אומר אחד משני דברים- או שזה גרוע יותר או שזה טוב יותר וזה ברור שזה לא טוב יותר אז זה כנראה גרוע יותר אבל אני חושבת שהמקל חוזר רק בפרק השלישי... ואיך לעזאזל לא נותנים לו מרשם גם בפרק 5?! כאילו, הוא שוב עם המקל
כואב לו
תנו לו ויקודין. במקום זה עוצרים אותו על אחזקה

Benjamin Turner

New member
האמת? ../images/Emo58.gif

*עכשיו* אני מאמינה שהוא באמת יתמכר וישתגע לחלוטין. רגל פעם ראשונה הביאה אותו לאן שהוא היום. אשליה של החלמה ורגל פעם שניה... God save us all
זה מן הסתם לא הסוף של האמרון בכלליות, למרבה המזל, אך לאור הרמזים שקייטי ג'ייקובז פיזרה לגבי האמרון של תחילת העונה (בזמן שהאוס בריא) חשבתי שיעשו מזה הרבה יותר מסצינה אחת עלובה של הצעה ודחיה
, מה גם שזה פחות או יותר ישכנע את האוס שקמרון רוצה אותו רק כי הוא damaged, ואז כשהוא אכן יחזור להיות damaged הוא שוב לא יסכים להיות אתה, וחוזר חלילה, ואני שונאת את הסדרות שנגררות ל"פעם הוא רוצה, פעם היא רוצה, אבל אף פעם לא בו זמנית"
אני מאוד אוהבת את קמרון, אבל במקרה הזה אני ממש לא מבינה אותה. דפוקית

pink panther 8

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אני איתך../images/Emo127.gif

אני מתה שהאוס וקמון יהיו ביחד וקמרון כזאתי דפוקה אני בחיים שלי לא הייתי מסרבת את האוס הוא כזה שקסי ויאמי והיא זאתי שהציעה לו לצאת איתה ראשונה מה פתאום היא אומרת לו לא???? מה עובר לתסריטאיים האלו בראשששש תנו להאוס וקמרון להיות ביחדדדד איזה רומן קצר אנחנו לא מבקשים הרבה!!

Hieros Gamos

New member
כן אני יודעת../images/Emo58.gif

זה לא הופך את זה לפאקינג יותר הגיוני
את יודעת מה הדבר הנורא, הפיקים הפכו להיות יותר מדוייקים מהסידרה עצמה בקטע הזה, זה לא אמור לקרות!