זה לא נכון שה-CIA "אירגן את ההפיכה"
מה עוד שלא היתה בכלל 'הפיכה', אלא הדחה ע"י הנשיא ורצח שהיו מעשה ידיהם של הבלגים ומשרתיהם בקונגו. נורא TRENDY ומתאים לנארטיב השמאלני להדביק כל דבר לארה"ב (ולפעמים גם לישראל), אבל אפילו ויקיפדיה שאתה אוהב לקרוא לא טוענת דבר כזה. להיפך: Sixty-seven days after he came to power, Patrice Lumumba was dismissed by state president Joseph Kasa-Vubu. Lumumba, in turn, tried to dismiss Kasa-Vubu, but to no avail. Lumumba was placed under informal house arrest at the prime minister's residence. UN troops were positioned around the house to protect him. Following his house arrest, Lumumba made the decision to escape; this would prove a fatal mistake. Smuggled out of his residence at night in a visiting diplomat's car, he began a long journey towards Stanleyville. Mobutu's troops were in hot pursuit. Finally trapped on the banks of the Sankuru River, he was captured by soldiers loyal to Colonel Mobutu. He appealed to local UN troops to save him. The UN refused on orders from headquarters in New York, reasoning that he had escaped from UN protection. He was flown first to Leopoldville, where he appeared beaten and humiliated before journalists and diplomats. Further humiliation followed at Mobutu's villa, where soldiers beat the elected prime minister in full view of television cameras. Lumumba was dispatched first to Thysville military barracks, one hundred miles from Leopoldville. After the military personnel of Thysville mutinied, a more secure place was sought. It is established that Belgium wanted Lumumba taken to Katanga, which was under the rule of an enemy of Lumumba, Moise Tshombe. The Belgian Commission investigating the assassination of Lumumba reached the conclusions that (1) Belgium wanted Lumumba arrested, (2) Belgium was not particularly concerned with Lumumba's physical well being, and (3) although informed of the danger to Lumumba's life Belgium did not take any action to avert his death. Lumumba was beaten again on the flight to Elisabethville on January 17, 1961. He was seized by Katangan soldiers commanded by Belgians, and driven to Villa Brouwe. He was guarded and brutalized still further by both Belgian and Katangan troops while President Tshombe and his cabinet decided what to do with him. That same night it is said that Lumumba was bundled into another convoy that headed into the bush. It drew up beside a large tree, where three firing squads had been assembled. Some sources say that the firing squads were commanded by a Belgian and that another Belgian had overall command of the execution site. The Belgian Commission's findings were that the execution was carried out by Katanga's authorities. Their report suggests that apart from Katangan ministers, four Belgian officers were present at the execution site, but were under the command of Katangan authorities. Lumumba and two other comrades (Mpolo and Okito) from the government were lined up against the tree. President Tshombe and two other ministers were present for the executions, which took place one at a time. Lumumba's corpse was then buried nearby. The execution most likely took place on January 17, 1961 between 9:40PM and 9:43PM according to the Belgian report. וויקיפדיה מוסיפה: The Belgian Commission's 2001 report led to an official apology. In February of 2002, the Belgian government apologized to the Congolese people, and admitted to a "moral responsibility" and "an irrefutable portion of responsibility in the events that led to the death of Lumumba." In July of the same year documents released by the United States government revealed that while the CIA had been kept informed of Belgium's plans, it had no direct role in Lumumba's eventual death.[7] אבל אני מניח שיש לך מקורות עלומים לביסוס טענותיך.