התגובה של לינדזי על המכתב של אבא שלה.....


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התגובה של לינדזי על המכתב של אבא שלה.....

My father obviously needs to be on medication to control his moods. He is out of line and his words show how much anger he has, and it's dangerous and scary as it reminds me of how he treated my mother and I my whole childhood. He needs to be stopped. This is yet another reason why we aren't speaking. I am in a great place in life. I have overcome a lot and have been able to learn how to enjoy and appreciate my life in every way possible. I'm proud of myself for being able to make a change in the past year and a half. My past is behind me, and that's final. There's nothing more to be said. All the false accusations that people try to make are simply because there's no story when things are calm and good. But they might as well let it go because their lies don't affect me anymore. Samantha is not evil, I care for her very much and she's a wonderful girl. She loves me, as I do her. היא צודקת לגמרי כל הכבוד לה=]

LindZiv Cohan

New member
חיכיתי לזה..../images/Emo3.gif

אהבתי את התגובה שלה, רגועה כזאת, קצרה ולעניין... ותכלס הוא צריך כדורים או משו... "it's dangerous and scary as it reminds me of how he treated my mother and I my whole childhood." מעניין למה בדיוק היא מתכוונת
"She loves me, as I do her." אוווו...

LindZiv Cohan

New member
שני... הנה רשימת שירים>>

SPEAK- first nobody 'til you symptoms of you speak over something i never had
anything but me disconnected to know your name very last moment in time rumors A LITTLE MORE PERSONAL- confessions of a broken heart black hole i live for the day i want you to want me my innocence a little more personal if it's alright if you were me fastlane edge of seventeen who loves you a beautiful life ואם תרצי גם שירים שלא משום דיסק שלה, תגידי אני אשים:)


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זה מוזר שהדיסק השני שלה לא הצליח כי יש שמה שירים דיי טובים...!=\


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זה לא כזה מוזר....

היא בכלל לא קידמה אותו בטענה שהדיסק היה יותר בשבילה [מבחינה מנטלית]. הדיסק הראשון יצא בתקופה שהיא ממש הצליחה ככה שלא משנה מה היא הייתה עושה היו קונים את זה.

Shiri from the block

Active member
תגובה ממש יפה והיא כל כך צודקת לגבי המשפט הזה: "All the false accusations that people try to make are simply because there's no story when things are calm and good"