אתה לא מבין מה אני טוען
בכללי, סרסיי היא לא אדם טוב ואולי הנישואים שלה ושל רוברט (או לרייגאר) היו מתדרדרים גם בלי האובססיביות שלו אל ליאנה, אבל זה לא אומר שהיא אשמה בהכל. לנישואים היה פוטנציאל להצליח בלי המטען שרוברט סחב.
הנה ה"מאמץ" שהוא תרם להצלחת השידוך בשנים הראשונות:
Those had been the worst nights, lying helpless underneath him as he took his pleasure, stinking of wine and grunting like a boar. Usually he rolled off and went to sleep as soon as it was done, and was snoring before his seed could dry upon her thighs. She was always sore afterward, raw between the legs, her breasts painful from the mauling he would give them. The only time he’d ever made her wet was on their wedding night.
Robert had been handsome enough when they first married, tall and strong and powerful, but his hair was black and heavy, thick on his chest and coarse around his sex.The wrong man came back from the Trident, the queen would sometimes think as he was plowing her. In the first few years, when he mounted her more often, she would close her eyes and pretend that he was Rhaegar. She could not pretend that he was Jaime; he was too different, too unfamiliar. Even the smell of him was wrong.
For Robert, those nights never happened. Come morning he remembered nothing, or so he would have had her believe. Once, during the first year of their marriage, Cersei had voiced her displeasure the next day. “You hurt me,” she complained. He had the grace to look ashamed. “It was not me, my lady,” he said in a sulky sullen tone, like a child caught stealing apple cakes from the kitchen. “It was the wine. I drink too much wine.” To wash down his admission, he reached for his horn of ale. As he raised it to his mouth, she smashed her own horn in his face, so hard she chipped a tooth. Years later at a feast, she heard him telling a serving wench how he’d cracked the tooth in a mêlée. Well, our marriage was a mêlée, she reflected, so he did not lie.
בגלל זה אין לי כוח לנהל את הדיון הזה. מצטער.
"כיום" סרסיי היא אדם די נוראי (אחרי שנים של נישואים רעים ותחושת רדיפה), אבל לא לגמרי (אפור כהה), וגם לרוע שבה יש נסיבות מקלות. כבר ניהלנו את הדיון לגבי מה הולך בראש של סרסיי מאז שהיא שמעה את הנבואה ואיך זה משפיע עליה (שנאתה ל-/פחדה מ- סאנסה ואח"כ מארג'רי וכנ"ל עם טיריון, להם היא מייחסת את הנבואה). אין טעם לחזור על הדיון הזה. נסכים לא להסכים.