Thank you for the welcome.
I very much appreciate your publishing the article in Hebrew on the ynet site. I'm not surprised that there were so many responses. I would appreciate if you also take a look at in English, you will find the article "77 Per cent...." under the CULTURE heading. You will find my comments, under the names Second generation and Brandeis, to Justine and Robert. I jumped into this in memory of my parents, who both were from Warsaw. The incidents I mention in these comments were incidents by the Polish people against Jews. My mother witnessed these things with her own eyes and these are just a drop in the bucket of crimes Poles commited against the Jewish people. If you follow the dialog in English you will see that these people are trying to use their academic credentials (which are questionable to begin with in trying to dispute the Polish people's role in the fate of Polish Jewry .What I find particularly disturbing in all this is that the Shoah cannot become a vehicle for academic exercises. The trials at Nuremberg, the Eichman trial and the volumes in Yad Vashem were largely based on the testimony of survivors who witnessed these events. They were not afraid to tell their children about it or the world at large. The holocaust must not become an industry. I think that as their children, it is our responsibilty to answer back to any false and hate-inspired claims. My basic question to the forum was if you think these people should be brought out into the open, where we can see and hear what they have to say? Didn't the Shoah begin because of silence and indifference? Our parents are almost all gone. We are the ones who need to pick up the challenge and answer back in a voice loud and clear to any antisemetic statements, no matter how small or trivial they may seem to be. Yad Vashem is a unique monument of its kind. But we, the living heirs to our parents' legacy must be the ones to keep our parents' testimony alive and make sure the world never again endures.....silence. B'Bracha Esther Schneider