This report, amounting to 300-plus pages, exhaustively reviews the scientific literature in homeopathy. It summarises 22 reviews, 20 of which show positive results for homeopathy. Four of these showed strong evidence that homeopathy, as a system of medicine, is efficacious. It also finds strong supporting evidence for the homeopathic treatment of allergies and upper-respiratory tract infections. studies of homeopathy and phytotherapy were of better quality than comparable conventional medicine studies”. we hope that the debate will finally move from the question, ‘Does homeopathy work?’ to the more pressing questions of ‘How does homeopathy work?’ and ‘What conditions can homeopathy treat effectively and cost-efficiently?’.
ומה שעוד כתוב הוא:
With the publication of the English translation of the HTA report, we hope that the debate will finally move from the question, ‘Does homeopathy work?’ to the more pressing questions of ‘How does homeopathy work?’ and ‘What conditions can homeopathy treat effectively and cost-efficiently?’.
ואני מצטרף לדעה הזו. אני גם אמתין קצת עד לפרסום הדו"ח עצמו, ולא רק להודעות עליו באתר של הומיאופתים, שכמו לכל ספק שירות רפואי פרטי, יש להם אינטרס כלכלי מובנה לטעון שהטיפולים שלהם עובדים.