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איך ידעתי ששיחקת טאקי...ממש מפתיע..

מייבי תיגמלי כבר??או שאני ישלח אותך לכפר גמילה!


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איך ידעתי ששיחקת טאקי...ממש מפתיע..

מייבי תיגמלי כבר??או שאני ישלח אותך לכפר גמילה!

mor mor2

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לאאאאאא אין מצבבבבב...אני לא אגמל מהטאקי! חחחחחח


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איך ידעתי ששיחקת טאקי...ממש מפתיע..

מייבי תיגמלי כבר??או שאני ישלח אותך לכפר גמילה!


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ניקול ../images/Emo26.gif

מה? את האנגלית של דניאל הבנת ואת האנגלית שלי לא. ?? איך זה יכול להיות אנגלית זה אנגלית והרמה שלי אני מתארת לא יותר גבוה משלו כי הוא דובר אנגלית מושלמת. אבל אוקיי....זנ כיף, ואכן מין מצא את מינו


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For Danielle ../images/Emo24.gif

Well hiya there again Wow, listen up mate, I am so happy to see someone from over seas that loves Sarit Hadad and writes us in the forum, this is really really cool!! It's just that...we don't get fans to write us in the furom from over seas and when we do, like you, it's abit of an honor. you know? Personally, I love New York dearly, it's one of the coolest places I have visited in my life, it's surly one of my fav city in the world! I could write so much to you...but I am abit concerned coz then people lasugh at me that I write so much. Not alot here know how to speak english unfortunately. Most of then are 16 years old and lower You can always write me in a provet message and then, I can write whatever you want with no problem or an effort ok? But let's keep this goin for a while :)


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חבר'ה סליחה שאני כותבת באנגלית

לדניאל אבל זה מגניב לאללה
הוא מנו-יורק (איזה שולט) וזה כיף לי לכתוב לו אז סבלנות איתי.


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Danielle - Now, about Sarit Hadad..

Ok, so just so you know, It's really awesome to meet fans not from Israel that likes Sarit Hadad, it is so good to see Happy to hear you like her and her songs even more so, that you have all of her CDs and DVDs, that's impressive Did u get them in Israel?? I have to say, Sarit is a very special person...I am not talkin so about her amaizng skills and so many great talents, but about her gentle & warm personallity! She is one of a kind...so friendly and sweet to all of her fans, even when they get abit annoyin. She treats us all very very well, more then she should :) She is a wonderfull person that I like meeting over and over again And of course, she is a super of a singer. She had an amazing voice that touchs us all in way we can not explain, and so much more... I could write and write about it all day long About the show in Ceisaria (sorry for writing it like that) - WOW SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRR It was amazing! It was my first ever time to go to a concert there, and that big of Sarit, I had an incredible time to tell u the truth She gave her heart, she sang wonderfully as only she can Sang song from her new album and all times fav from her oldie ones The excitment was HUGE man, and everyone were so freakin wild You shoul dhave seen us all..... WOW That is all I will say for now.
Sarit rockssssss


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חח דניאל, היו שם כמה שגיאות הדפסה

כתבתי מהר ולא בדקתי...SORRY....בוא נראה אם אני יכולה לתקן (לא נעים) Sarit is a very special person...I am not talkin about her amaizng skills and so many great talents, but about her gentle & warm personallity! She is one of a kind...so friendly and sweet to all of her fans, even when they get abit annoyin. She treats us all very very well, more then she should :) She is a wonderfull person that I like meeting over and over again And of course, she is a super of s singer. She HAS an amazing voice that touchs us all in WAYS we can not explain, and so much more... I could write and write about it all day long About the show in Ceisaria (sorry for writing it like that) - WOW SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRR It was amazing! It was my first ever time to go to a concert there, and that big of SARIT'S , I had an incredible time to tell u the truth She gave her heart, she sang wonderfully as only she can, Sang SONGS from her new album and all times fav from her oldie ones The excitment was HUGE man, and everyone were so freakin wild You shoul dhave seen us all..... WOW That is all I will say for now. Sarit rockssssss תקנתי בכך שהגדלתי את המילים השגויות...לא קריטי אבל סתם ככה

Its an honor to write to you in this forum and im happy you feel the same way! Its really nice you like New York. So do I, but I think I have so much more fun in Israel!! Its too bad most Israelis don't take English seriously and its so great that you do!!! It will really help you in life! And just in case you wanted to know you spell my name Daniel (for a boy), without the le (for a girl). So i buy whatever comes out, cds, dvds in New York if i can but if im in Israel, i buy it there! Im happy you had a great time in ceisaria!! I knewe you would. Sarit really i a special erson. I can see that from when shes on TV or on the radio or on DVD or when she comes to New York for a concert!! I read in the forum that you were in her office and you saw her there!!! You are sooo lucky! When I was in Isrel in the summer, i went to the office. I talked to Eli and i bought a poster. He told me that sarit left half an hour before i got there! So its great you could see her there! I wish i came to Israel more often! I also read that you got the new DVD! Again! your so lucky! I wish I had it! Hows the DVD? You must also have the new clip for Rak Ata. I heard so much about it. Is it really as good as everyone says it is? So again its great to speak with someone in english about Sarit Hadad and i hope we can continue this conversation here without anyone getting mad. Maybe someone will even understand and will like to join us!