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הבן שלי בן 7.5, היום חוסנה כל הכיתה, ובסוף החלטתי גם לחסן אותו, עקב העובדה שעל כל החיסונים הקודמים לא היתה שום תגובה קשה, (אפילו לא קלה) ואני גם לא מאלו שראו התדרדרות לאחר מתן החיסון. אעדכן אתכם בהתפתחויות.
מידע מעודכן שהגיע אלי לאחרונה../images/Emo70.gif1)

Bowel Virus Found In Autistic Children Who Had MMR Jab New Wakefield study Saftey fears over MMR have been increased still further by a study which detected signs of a chronic viral infection in the bowels of children who became autistic after the jab. The virus - feared to come from the measles component of the injection -appears to have sparked an abnormal response of the immune system similar to that in patients with HIV The discovery by researchers at, the Royal Free Hospital in London comes as uptake of the measles, mumps and rubella jab has fallen to an all-time low of 78 per cent. Parents are not convinced it is safe despite official assurances that it does not cause autism or bowel disease. The latest findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Immunology, follow studies carried out by gastroenterologist Dr Andrew Wakefield who raised concerns about MMR in 1998. The specialist was forced out of his job at the Royal Free in 2001 amid claims that his research had proved too unpopular among the med-cal community. In October last year his former colleague Dr Simon Murch insisted that he had always supported the vaccine. However, he is a co-author with Dr Wakefield of the latest paper which concludes there is further evidence of a new form of bowel disease in children with regressive autism - losing the power of speech and becoming autistic. Another common complaint among children alleged to have been harmed by MMR is a painful inflammatory gut disorder. Dr Wakefield and Dr Murch examined bowel tissue from 52 children showing signs of autism alter the MMR jab. They found widespread inflammation throughout the bowel and evidence of an unusual immune system response. The intestinal lining contained large numbers of a particular type of white blood cell - lymphocytes - which fight viral infection. This study did not show whether the virus concerned was measles. But other tests by pathologists have found the measles virus In the bowel tissue and spinal fluid of autistic children alleged to he harmed by MMR. Dr Wakefield said: This paper not only confirms the presence of disease distinct from other inflammatory bowel diseases in these children but the, findings are also consistent with a viral cause. 'What we saw was a response not dissimilar to that seen in some patients with HJV Clearly these kids don't have Aids but the response fits the pathology consistent with chronic viral disease. That is a most valuable finding.' A Department of Health spokesman said MMR remained the safest way to vaccinate children against serious childhood diseases. "This is not a study about MMR and therefore makes no contribution to the already published literature on the vaccine." * * * 'The Lights Went Out' [This is a sidebar report to the above Bowel Virus article in the Daily Mail. Richard Miles, the parent mentioned below, is a regular gatherer of UK autism news for the Schafer Autism Report.] The parents of Robert Miles recall the exact date that their 14-month-old son had the MMR jab because of the devastating effects that followed. He became drowsy, lost his sense of balance and stopped speaking after the jab on December 5, 1989. Within months he also started to suffer from bowel problems. His father Richard, from West London, said: It was as if the lights went out when he had the MMR jab. He regressed and was later diagnosed as suffering autism. He also had gut trouble which was not immediately obvious to us, but eventually we took him to the Royal Free Hospital.' Robert was diagnosed as suffering an unusual form of inflammatory bowel disease. Further tests carried out for a compensation claim against vaccine manufacturers - which is on hold pending an appeal for legal aid - revealed he had the measles virus in his blood and gut. Furthermore, the virus strain was identified as identical to that found in the MMR jab. We believe my son's autism is due to MMR and I know several cases where children are suffering extreme pain due to gut problems, which their parents believe are caused by the triple vaccine,' said Mr Miles. This latest research is very interesting because they have discovered further immunological evidence that something is going on in the gut of children with this particular form of autism. * * * Intestinal Lymphocyte Populations in Children with Regressive Autism: Evidence for Extensive Mucosal Immunopathology
המשך מידע- וירוס ה-MMR במעי האוטיסט

ובסוף תקציר המאמר יש את הקישור, דרכו ניתן להרשם חינם לרשימת שפר האמריקאית ולקבל עידכונים בנושאי מחקר שונים הקשורים לאוטיזם. הרשמה חינם! Intestinal Lymphocyte Populations in Children with Regressive Autism: Evidence for Extensive Mucosal Immunopathology http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0271-9142/current doi:10.1023/B:JOCI.0000010427.05143.bb Journal of Clinical Immunology 23 (6): 504-517, November 2003 Copyright © 2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation All rights reserved Paul Ashwood, The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, United Kingdom. Centre for Paediatrie Gastroenterology, Royal Free and University College, Medical School, London, United Kingdom; [email protected]; Simon H. Murch, Centre for Paediatrie Gastroenterology, Royal Free and University College, Medical School, London, United Kingdom; Andrew Anthony, The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, United Kingdom. Department of Histopathology, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, United Kingdom; Alicia A. Pellicer, Centre for Paediatrie Gastroenterology, Royal Free and University College, Medical School, London, United Kingdom; Franco Torrente, Centre for Paediatrie Gastroenterology, Royal Free and University College, Medical School, London, United Kingdom. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy; Michael A. Thomson, Centre for Paediatrie Gastroenterology, Royal Free and University College, Medical School, London, United Kingdom; John A. Walker-Smith, Centre for Paediatrie Gastroenterology, Royal Free and University College, Medical School, London, United Kingdom; Andrew J. Wakefield, The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, United Kingdom. The International Child Development Resource Center, Florida Abstract Inflammatory intestinal pathology has been reported in children with regressive autism (affected children). Detailed analysis of intestinal biopsies in these children indicates a novel lymphocytic enterocolitis with autoimmune features; however, links with cognitive function remain unclear. To characterize further, the nature and extent of this disease we examined the mucosal infiltrate using flow cytometry. Duodenal, ileal, and colonic biopsies were obtained from 52 affected children, 25 histologically normal, and 54 histologically inflamed, developmentally normal controls. Epithelial and lamina propria lymphocyte populations were isolated and examined by multicolor flow cytometry. Adjacent biopsies were assessed by semiquantitative histopathology. At all sites, CD3+ and CD3+CD8+ IEL as well as CD3+ LPL were significantly increased in affected children compared with developmentally normal noninflamed control groups (p<0.01) reaching levels similar to inflamed controls. In addition, two populations-CD3+CD4+ IEL and LP CD19+ B cells-were significantly increased in affected children compared with both noninflamed and inflamed control groups including IBD, at all sites examined (p<0.01). Histologically there was a prominent mucosal eosinophil infiltrate in affected children that was significantly lower in those on a gluten- and casein-free diet, although lymphocyte populations were not influenced by diet.The data provide further evidence of a pan-enteric mucosal immunopathology in children with regressive autism that is apparently distinct from other inflammatory bowel diseases. Keywords: Inflammation, mucosa, T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, human Article ID: 474304 -- > DO SOMETHING ABOUT AUTISM NOW < -- SUBSCRIBE. . . ! . . .Read, then Forward the Schafer Autism Report. To Subscribe http://home.sprynet.com/~schafer/ Or mailto:[email protected] No Cost! _______________________________________________________


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הבן שלי קיבל את כל החיסונים "לפי הספר" ובבדיקת דם שערכנו גילינו לתדהמתנו שהוא לא פיתח נוגדנים לחלק מהחיסונים (כלומר הוא לא מחוסן !!!) עד היום אני לא יודעת מה היה קורה אילו לא הייתי מחסנת (לא ניתן לבדוק זאת ...) אבל אני בודאות יודעת שהקשר קיים. והמסקנות שלי היום הן : דבר ראשון יש חיסונים שניתן לדחות אותם לגיל מאוחר יותר או בכלל לותר (צהבת A, צהבת B, אדמת, אבעבועות ...) את החיסונים ההכרחיים לתת אחד אחד ורק שהילד בריא כמו שור !!! לא לתת זריקות משולשות ומחומשות - להפריד (למרות ששמעתי מחברה שאמרו לה שאי אפשר) והכי חשוב אחרי כל חיסון להשגיח בשבע עיניים ולהיות עירניים לכל שינוי שחל בילד. בכלל לא חייבים להספיק עד גיל שנה 30 חיסונים ... הבן שלי לא מחוסן והוא עוד מעט בן ארבע ... זאת אומרת שניתן לגדול גם בלי החיסון ...