LindZiv Cohan
New member
תגובה שאיזה מישו הגיב לה שם../images/Emo46.gif
Wow girl, its all about the gays!!!! Is that why your so sensitive? Because she thinks its ok to be go but not to shove your gay beliefs down our throats, and our throats are the majority!!! You're just a puppet troll of Hollywood that has no idea what it takes to run this country! You live in an obsessed little world. Just admit it since your so proud, you eat the box! Why not say if your so proud??? Hypocrite!! Thats what you are!! So abortions, those are a good thing, right? You would sue TMZ if they got your picture coming out of the abortion doctor!!!! You would be the first to sue, just like you did with the mink coat!!! So you want to protect something your not even proud of? Why is that???? Its not about Christians, its about RIGHT AND WRONG!!!! Its not about Jesus or anything like that because I am not one!!! Why can't you just Act and keep your mouth shut? Did you graduate from college? Did you graduate from Post Graduate school? Do you have a doctrite in anything? No, your just an actress, so go back to do what you do best and keep your politics to yourself! Your just a little girl smoking dope, drinking every night, shakin your ass in the clubs, your one step about Paris Hilton and she is worth way more money than you do!!! Wake up, shut up and say Hi to Britney!
גררררררררר. הוא בן 44, אין לו משו אחר לעשות?! ופאק, זאת עוד היתה אחת התגובות הפחות נוראיות שהיו שם. מה רע באנשים שלא הלכו לקולג'? זה אומר שהם פחות חכמים? כאילו שהוא יותר חכם. אידיוט. אני רוצה להרביץ לו! ולכל החארות שהגיבו שם "כן, להיות גיי זה חטא" לעזאזל, זה כמו להגיד שצריך להרוג את כל היהודים.