יש כמה מחקרים שמראים שזה יכול להועיל לדוגמה:
מין הסתם עצם החשיבה על זה יכולה להיות מסובכת בגלל הטיות , הגישה שמתוארת יכולה לעזור להעריך את העניין בצורה דיי אובייקטיבית:
ככל הנראה לעשות שינויי "נאיבי" יכול לא לעזור או אפילו אולי לעשות נזק
All in all, we couldn’t have asked for a better “lab rat” than the VC world. Over the past several years one of us (Paul Gompers) has examined the decisions of thousands of venture capitalists and tens of thousands of investments, and the evidence is clear: Diversity significantly improves financial performance on measures such as profitable investments at the individual portfolio-company level and overall fund returns
מין הסתם עצם החשיבה על זה יכולה להיות מסובכת בגלל הטיות , הגישה שמתוארת יכולה לעזור להעריך את העניין בצורה דיי אובייקטיבית:
Collect detailed data about whether gender bias plays a role in daily workplace interactions; identify company-specific ways to measure its effect; create hypotheses about what “interrupters” might move those metrics; and then throw some spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. Measure what happened, adjust your hypotheses, and do it all over again until you get it right.
Another good example of a successful interrupter comes from Google. The company’s analytics showed that women were being promoted less often than men because, to be promoted at Google, you needed to nominate yourself. Fewer women did so, presumably because modesty is so associated with femininity that women who advocated for themselves often encountered pushback, just as with negotiation. Google’s response was to include female leaders at workshops on when and how to put yourself forward. This signaled to women that they were expected to self-promote. So they did, and the gender difference among Googlers nominating themselves all but disappeared.
ככל הנראה לעשות שינויי "נאיבי" יכול לא לעזור או אפילו אולי לעשות נזק
They misconstrue or ignore what abundant research has now made clear: Increasing the numbers of traditionally underrepresented people in your workforce does not automatically produce benefits.
scholarly researchers have rarely found that increased diversity leads to improved financial outcomes. They have found that it leads to higher-quality work, better decision-making, greater team satisfaction, and more equality under certain circumstances. Although those outcomes could conceivably make some aspects of the business more profitable, they would need to be extraordinarily consequential to affect a firm’s bottom line.