עוברים לארה"ב

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וואו - המון מידע - סחטיין../images/Emo51.gif

אתם פשוט מעולים ועוזרים לנו לעשות את המעבר יותר בקלות.


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יש פורום בyahoo שנקרא "כמו בבית"

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Free People

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תודה רבה + תיקון קטן ללינק

מהארץ זה לא עבד עם www.groups.yahoo.com/group/kmobabait אלא עם /http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kmobabait שזה לא ממש משנה רק למקרה שמישהו צריך את זה ...... אז שוב תודה


New member
very good tips

We moved to the area recently and got arranged quickly here's an overview: the San Francisco (SF)area, also know as the bay area has many geographich bay saide: north bay, east bay, south bay,m and etc. the suilicon valley is what usually refered to as south bay. go to www.craigslist.org. this web site is maybe the bay area most informative web site for everything you'll need, we even got free bedqueen size bed from it. IMO, the best thing would to stay in hotel or apartment for at least two weeks before you select your place and buy car. we found a place and car witing one week, and this week was CRAZY. BTW, you can also do what everybody does here, rent a van and drive it to IKEA and furnish your house for $2000-$3000 easily. we've done it, and so did some of our friend. hope that helps Z