פניה לדוברים: היקארו, עמית וכולם:

  • פותח הנושא neko
  • פורסם בתאריך


New member

Tonjin san... I didn't mean to insult your grammer _or_ your spelling ability. It's just that I use English on a daily basis, and I'm not very used to people using English in Tapuz. Don't take it personally, and forget about what I said. It's not my place to tell people what language to use. Sumimasen.


New member

ありがとう? אבל אמרו לי arigato! לא arigatou!!!!!!!!מעצבן!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! תגידו מה פאקין נכון!!!!!!!!!!


New member
תמיד יש בעיה בכותרת אז הנה:

ありがと アミト 先生!!!!!!!!!!!


New member

well, as i wrote above, the correct way to write it is ありがとう。 i don't mind saying it time and again if it means pushing the introductions down. and by no means i'm a sensei, if anything then sennpai.​


New member
וכמו שראית כבר התלוננתי שבילבלו

אותי בקשר ל-U הזו.......מעצבן........תבינו שאין לי כוח יותר. אגב אתה せんせい בשבילי........או せんぱい אם תרצה........גם אתה וגם טונג'ין וגם היקארו............מורים שלי ^_^


New member
Kanji in short

Kanji, Chinese characters. As can be understood from the name, kanji, unlike kana (hiragana and katakana) that was "invented" in Japan, came from china. A person needs to know about 2,000 kanji in order to be able to read a newspaper. In china by the way, it's around 3,000. Almost all kanji have more then one way to read. ONYOMI-the Chinese reading. a reading that came from china but been adjusted to the Japanese way of speaking which means that even if a person knows the onyomi for all the kanji in the world, still nobody in china will understand a word he say. KUNYOMI-the Japanese reading. In most cases you will need a combination of at least two kanji in order to have their onyomi form a word while the kunyomi either stand by itself or with the addition of hiragana. Example: 木曜日ーmokuyoubi-thursday. moku/you/bi are all onyomi. 木-ki-tree. kunyomi. The simple kanji express a word by their own right. Few examples: 女-onna-woman 人-hito-person 目-me-eye More complicated kanji are made from two characters together. Examples: 好き-suki-like(as in i like you). the kanji of 女(woman) together with the kaji 子(child) have the meaning of-to like. the kunyomi is SU, the hiragana complets the word. 明るい-akarui-bright. the sun and the moon together makes bright.​


New member

i'm not sure if that's what you wanted, too long? too short? of course there is much more but i think it is enough for now. i didn't know where to send it so just posted as a messege, have it on file if you want me send it to some other place(well, if you want it at all...). the second version is a bit more presentable​