שבת בלילי - Coffee Talk - לוסי ורנה
אני מקווה שתסלחו לי אבל מצאתי דיווח די מפורט - הוא זוכרת הרבה יותר ממה שאני זוכרת, זה בטוח.. שווה להתאמץ ולקרוא, בעיקר כשזאת שפת המקור.. When the coffee talk began, a cowboy hat-wearing Steven Sears jumped on stage to introduce Renee and Lucy, and to announce the winner of the music video contest that would greet the gals as they came on stage. It featured a song by Trisha Yearwood (whose name escapes me), and the footage seemed to be heavy on AFIN footage, which was just as well, since it was not really mentioned the rest of the evening. This was the first time I had seen the two actresses in person so I was interested in comparing the reality with the tv image. Lucy was more willowy and glamorous than I expected--with her hair a lighter brown. Renee wore blue jeans and a cotton shirt, her hair still a dark red--cute and casual. They were introduced and immediately they thanked Rob Tapert for fighting to get them cast on the show (He had previously circled the auditorium before lights-out, looking tan, rested and ready, inspecting the audience with another gentleman whom I guessed was his brother, from the resemblance). RT took the stage between Lucy and Renee, and shortly after he began speaking, someone shouted "Give us a movie!" Without missing a beat--for I think this is what he came to say--he replied: "Nothing would please the three of us here more than to make a movie someday". This resulted in the loudest cheering of the entire evening. RT then taunted the audience with: "And Jennifer Aniston has already been cast as Xena!" So taking all these opening statements together, it seems the implication is that a Xena movie will reunite the original cast--if they have anything to say about it. The gals then went on to review a good portion of the series, commenting on scenes as they went. Renee commandeered the remote control--Lucy's attempts to navigate were not as successful. There was trouble with the video's sound, so occasionally they'd dub in scenes themselves, not always faithfully. When Gabrielle lost her blood innocence, staring at her blood-stained dagger, Lucy, imitating a hypothetically dull-witted Renee's stage delivery, dubbed in: "Out--damned--spot: out." During scenes for The Debt, Lucy wondered how Renee got to Ch'in so quick: "Did she go through the back door to Ch'in, while Xena took the long way?" Both ladies called on Sears to come up and explain himself, if indeed he wrote it, then Lucy speculated it might have been Ares. Through the River of Dreams, Renee added. They may have been thinking of Soul Possession's desperate, patchwork logic, but the casual mention of Kevin's character brought on a moment of silence and reflection. They discussed When in Rome as the scene with Crassus and the ring flashed on the screen, and Lucy started to engage Renee on the issue of Crassus, whom she referred to as Cassus. "Cassus to you, Crassus to others, I suppose!" Renee laughed. They also discussed Ides of March a bit more than the others, which Lucy thought very highly of. As they played the scene of Gabrielle butting heads and knocking the stuffing out of the Romans, Lucy commented "Yeah, I love to watch Renee work!" Renee said she actually preferred Gabrielle's Path of Peace arc, which she acknowledged was not popular with the audience there. No one in the audience shouted disagreement, that I could hear. When Fates Collide was also discussed, and someone yelled out: "It should have been the last show!" Lucy looked a bit exasperated at this comment. However, they ended their commentary not with AFIN (I suppose since they'd already discussed it on the dvd), but with what Renee described as the "last regular Xena episode--before things got crazy", Many Happy Returns. Xena puts on Hermes' helmet and flies into the sunset with Gabrielle, to which Lucy responds "Aw, it's just like a Simpson's episode!"