פרופילים של הבנות

פרופילים של הבנות

ונתחיל מ... כמה מפתיע.. נאדין
שימו לב יש שאלה כזאת first concert כאילו הופעה ראשונה שהיא הייתה בה, והיא אמרה ווסטלייףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףף אאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאא כמונייייייייייייייייייייי!!!!! ווסטלייףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףףף איזה כיף להההההההההההההה אני רוצה ללכת לעוד הופעה שלהםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם Date of Birth: 15th June 1985 Starsign: Gemini Birth Place: Derry, Ireland Siblings: 2 sisters Singing since: Age 2 Favourite Film: Pretty Women Favourite Actor: George Clooney Favourite Actress: Halle Berry Favourite Place: Anywhere hot Favourite Destination: Anywhere hot Favourite Book: Of Mice and Men Favourite Restaurant: Local fish and chip shop Favourite Food: Mashed potatoes Worst food: Sausages Likes: Singing, cooking and mucking around Dislikes: Cleaning Hobbies: Swimming and horseriding Bad habit: Biting my nails Most embarrassing moment: Falling over getting on a plane Most impressive person you've ever met: Justin Timberlake First record bought: Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan First concert: Westlife Describe yourself in 3 words: Calm, confident, up for a laugh! Thats 6 words! Never mind!!! Rule of life: Be Good, Have Fun.

Date of Birth: 30th June 1983 Starsign: Cancer Birth Place: Newcastle, England Siblings: 3 brothers, 1 sister Previous Jobs: Waitress Singing Since: Age 12 Favourite Film: Ghost Favourite Actor: George Clooney Favourite Actress: Jennifer Lopez Favourite Place: In front of the fire Favourite Destination: Caribbean Favourite Book: The Twits Favourite Food: Chinese Worst Food: Peanut butter or olives Likes: Clothes and make-up Dislikes: Nasty people Hobbies: Dancing Bad habit: Leaving the bath water in Most embarrassing moment: When a train door shut on my head Most impressive person you've ever met: Tom Jones First record bought: Rick Ashley (Never Gonna Give You Up) First concert: Steps Describe yourself in 3 words: Funny, caring and emotional Rule of life: Never have regrets, just learn from your mistakes.

Nickname: Kimmi Date of Birth: 20th November 1981 Stassign: Scorpio Birth Place: Bradford, England Siblings: 2 sisters, 1 brother Previous Jobs: Waitress, Drama teacher, Cleaner Singing since: She could speak Favourite Film: Pretty Women Favourite Actor: Denzel Washington Favourite Actress: Nicole Kidman Favourite Place: On a tropical beach Favourite Song: Montell Jordan - Get It On Favourite Destination: South of France Favourite Restaurant: La Rue Favourite Food: Thai Worst Food: Pies! Likes: Shopping, eating out Dislikes: Going to the gym Bad habit: Singing too much Hobbies: Acting and teaching drama with my sister Most embarrassing moment: Falling off my chair in school canteen Most impressive person you've ever met: Kylie First record bought: Kim Appleby First concert: Eternal Describe yourself in 3 words: Honest, friendly and caring Rule of life: Be yourself at all times.

יייאאאאאאא יש לה יומולדת ב17.11... ביומולדת של חברה שלי וביום שיוצא הסינגל החדש של ווסטלייף!! ייאיייייייייייייייי וקראו ת' most embarassing moment שלה פחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח Nickname: Saz Date of Birth: 17th November 1981 Starsign: Scorpio Birth Place: Manchester, England Previous Jobs: Pizza girl, 192 operator, Bar maid and Waitress Previous Bands: Project G Favourite Film: Goonies Favourite Actor: Ben Affleck Favourite Actress: Angelina Jolie Favourite Place: In bed! Favourite Destination: Lots of places - mainly hot! Favourite Book: Harry Potter Favourite Song: I'll Be There Favourite Restaurant: Chiquitos Favourite Food: Italian, Chinese, Mexican and English! Worst Food: Little hot prawns! Likes: Singing (obviously!), eating and having fun! Dislikes: Getting drunk! Hobbies: Horse riding, socialising, cinema, gym and singing Most embarrassing moment: Falling over in a club in my best dress Most impressive person you've ever met: Most people impress me in one way or another! Bad habit: Nail biting First record bought: Michael Jackson - Bad album First concert: Eminem Describe yourself in 3 words: Energetic, friendly and ambitious Rule of life: Positive! Mental! Attitude! And enjoy yourself!!!

Nickname: Cola Date of Birth: 5th October 1985 Starsign: Libra Birth Place: Stanford, England Previous Job: Waitress Singing since: Age 11 Favourite Film: Armagedan Favourite Actor: Ben Affleck Favourite Place: On stage Favourite Destination: Florida Favourite Book: Madonna Favourite Restaurant: McDonalds Favourite Food: Super noodles Worst Food: Chinese Likes: Singing, dancing, shopping, going out, performing, having a rest Dislikes: Stuck up people Hobbies: Singing and dancing Bad habit: Bursting out into song at inappropriate times! Most embarrassing moment: When me and my boyfriend camped out one time!! Most impressive person you've ever met: Carl (boyfriend) Favourite song: Usher - Pop Ya Collar First record bought: Spice Grisl - Wannabe First concert: Take That Describe yourself in 3 words: Loud, crazy and kind Rule of life: Be yourself, be strong and don't worry about things.

little bry

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ממההההה? נאדין בת 18??????

חשבתי שהיא בת 24 משו כזהההההההההההה! פפפפפפחחחחחחח ויאאאאאא היא אמרה ווסטלייףףףףףףף חחחחח איזה ממושית נאדין הזאתתתתתת תודעעעעע מורושששששש!