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Major Thom

New member

Pablo Honey
איפשהו בשנים הראשונות של העשור הקודם, היה איש אחד (או שני אנשים) שהיו עובדים על אנשים בטלפון, מקליטים את זה ומפיצים לכל עבר. נורא משעשע. בכל אופן, לידיו של ג´וני שלנו הגיעה אחת ההקלטות, והיא הלכה כך:
-Hello? -Yeah? -Pablo, honey? -Yeah? -Please,honey,come down to Florida. -Huh? -Come to Florida,honey,we need to... -Yeah? Who´s this? -Pablo, honey, been washing your ass, Pablo? -Who is this? -Keep yourself clean, honey? -Hello? -Pablo? -Yeah? [1:40 onwards, How Do You, right speaker] -Please come to Florida -Who the hell is this? -Oh you...you bastard,you..... -Hello? -Pablo.. -Yeah? -You bastard.......Pablo?​
(לקוח מה-radiohead faq. סעיף 4.3.11)

Lurgee (aka ´the dreaded lurgee´) is a British expression for a disease, illness or ailment. It has been suggested the origin of the word could be as recent as the 1950s when it used by Spike Milligan in the BBC Radio comedy ´The Goon Show´ (1950-1960). In the plot it was a disease invented by two out of work doctors, both owners of music shops, which could only be cured by playing in a brass band. It´s most likely the script writers didn´t invent the word but simply popularised it. Spike probably first heard it while serving in the Royal Artillery during World War II (1939-1945), when it is thought to of been used to refer to sickness brought on by drinking contaminated foreign water. There´s also a game called Lurgee, based on "tag", played by English children. The game involves an inflicted player catching and passing on the Lurgee by touching other players.​
(שוב, לקוח מאותו faq, סעיף 4.3.9. סעיף 4.3 כולו מוקדם לביטויים מוזרים, ד"א).
air - radio #1


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גדול! תודה!!

כבר אני רואה שהיה כדאי לי לבוא (לפורומכם הצנוע וכו´

Major Thom

New member

הקטע עם פאבלו נורא משעשע אותי. pablo, honey.. come down to florida..!
cocteau twins - ivo (זנחתי את אייר. הם לא טובים לשעה הזאת)