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Go go Go Connie go Connie be good!


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קבלו מידע על "בטי":

PRAY FOR THE SOUL OF BETTY is the communal vision and passion of vocalist Constantine Maroulis, guitarist Joao Joya, bassist Taylor C.R., and drummer Hamboussi. Proudly touted as “NYC Homegrown Rock & Roll,” Betty’s all-original music is intense, raw energy fused with sex, serious contemplation, and excess, all skillfully delivered with an unapologetic dose of attitude. Originating in NYC from the destined collision of four musical forces from around the globe, PRAY FOR THE SOUL OF BETTY was the phoenix which erupted from the ashes of former projects. Hamboussi met Joao and Taylor in various mix-and-match combinations of other bands, and remained a fan of their talent and dedication. When all three found themselves available and committed to creating the unstoppable band-to-end-all-bands, he suggested the new alignment. From that very first session together, they knew this was the extraordinary project they had been looking for, and immediately began writing material and searching for the voice. Constantine was located after more than 100 auditions, and PRAY FOR THE SOUL OF BETTY was born. Individually, members boast performances at Lollapalooza, Rock in Rio, the Rolling Rock Town Fair, and the international touring Broadway production of RENT. Collectively, BETTY has feverishly toured the country for the past year, hitting a number of world famous venues including CBGB’s, the Whisky A Go Go, and the Viper Room, leaving a coast-to-coast fan base in its wake. BETTY recently earned an Honorable Mention in Billboard’s 12th Annual World Song Contest for the original rock/alternative rock composition “Truck Stop Sally,” and continues to garner increasing press recognition. The Hartford Courant declared BETTY a “band on the rise,” while The Boston Globe said BETTY “personifies the young and tattooed look that just means trouble.” BETTY is also making an impact on the college circuit. The Pace Press of NYC’s Pace University asserts, “They have real talent, and an attitude that one should definitely respect,” while The Comment from Boston area Bridgewater State insists that, “…Pray for the Soul of Betty is anything but ordinary.” 2005 promises to be the “Year of Betty” with some major surprises in store for friends and fans alike. BETTY is never without a few tricks up its sleeve or a bombshell in its back pocket. PRAY FOR THE SOUL OF BETTY may simply be four brash boys who find trouble like most people find spare change, but their faith in this collective calling is the one constant in a chaotic sea, the one area where they know that with their collective talent, work ethic, and commitment, the possibilities are endless. Considering the buzz surrounding their efforts thus far, they are not alone. WWW.PRAYFORTHESOULOFBETTY.COM


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המתופף שלהם אשכרה מפחיד


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עוד חדשות...קונס מתחיל בעבודות צדקה

הוא אמר היום בראיון ברדיו שהוא הולך להיות מעורב באגודות לילדים אוטיסטים ועוד עבודות צדקה... קונסי מה קרה נהיית לי קליי?!


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הוא התנדב עוד לפני התחרות-

עם ילדים יתומי אסון התאומים. אתם חושבים שהתאהבתי בו רק בגלל המבטים למצלמה? האיש מלאך


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ברור- שניהם הכוכבים שנושלו ע"י

חבלה בקווי טלפונים...
וגם- שניהם הכי מוכשרים בעונה שהם השתתפו, שניהם גבוהים (כמה קליי? הוא נראה לי גבוה), שניהם נשמות טובות
אישית אני אשמח אם הם יתנדבו ב"גרינפיס" ויגיעו עם הספינה לארץ (אני פעילה בארגון כבר 10 שנים כמעט