קורס לחוקרי שורשי משפחה - גליציה (אוסטרו-הונגריה, פולין, אוקראינה)


שבת שלום,
משתף עידכון על קורס שיעניין חוקרי שורשים גליציאניים. המורה הוא מומחה מוכר שהוביל פרויקטים גינאולוגיים בעמותת Gesher Galicia ונשא בתפקידי מפתח באירגון.

Message to researchers of family roots in Galicia, and to anyone interested in studying their Galician ancestry:

You may find an interested in a short intensive course titled “The Path to Modernity: The Jews of Galicia”, to be delivered (May 6-22, 2025) by Dr. Andrew Zalewski, a renowned educator and expert in Galician Jewish genealogy. Please see course announcement, student feedback and registration information below.


Dr. Andrew Zalewski, author of two books on Galicia and former vice president of Gesher Galicia, brings history to life while answering questions like: What drove Jews to have a voice in modern society? How did they respond to new ideas from inside and outside their community? Which laws misfired on the Jews’ path to civil integration?

We explore these and other questions with a focus on Galicia, but also move beyond its borders—to Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Russia—to consider Jewish identity and experience more broadly. The course is illustrated by unique records, maps, and drawing on newly discovered material critical to Jewish genealogists.

Course: "The Path to Modernity: The Jews of Galicia"

Classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays live by Zoom, May 6-22, 2025
. All sessions are recorded. A link will be sent out to the registered participants to view the class if you miss it live.

This is how one participant Marcel D. from Israel described his experience:

“I would like to express deep appreciation for the six classes that have filled six afternoons of my life, here on our kibbutz in the far south of Israel. It has been many years since I last tried (or succeeded) to concentrate enough to view an on-line class, but your six lectures have been fascinating, giving me your coherent view on subjects about which I've read a great deal.”

To learn more about the curriculum of the course, tuition, and how to register, please go to:


Please send questions about registration to [email protected]